Tsukiji Business Hotel Ban w Chuo City

JaponiaTsukiji Business Hotel Ban


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3-chōme-17-10 Tsukiji, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3543-8411
strona internetowej: www.hotelban.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.665856, Longitude: 139.7715664

komentarze 5

  • Kenneth Villanueva

    Kenneth Villanueva


    Rooms are exactly what you're expecting and paying for. I had absolutely NO issue checking late in the day - 10PM (2200) and beyond that. The staff there are very accommodating - especially when we checked out early morning. We asked to leave the luggage with them because we couldn't spend the day with it out - super helpful in taking it in and letting us pick up even past 6PM (1800). Definitely an easy choice to stay at in the Ginza area!

  • まりまり



    The hotel is inside a rather old building but the room we stayed in looked quite decent and clean, I was pleasantly surprised. There is a very cute dog at the reception and the owner lets you to pet it which gives you a happy boost every time you pass by.

  • Cheryl W

    Cheryl W


    Clean simple room. Small but that's normal for Tokyo. Friendly staff. Traffic a bit noisy at night (was on third floor). Best thing is the location, a five minute walk to Tsukiji fish market in the morning.

  • Juli Okayama

    Juli Okayama


    I stayed in the 2nd floor of the hotel for 2 nights. It's located right next to the Tsukiji fish market, and is also within walking distance of Ginza. Most of the key attractions in Tokyo are accessible within 30 minutes, as there is an underground station 2 minutes away. The hotel itself is rather small and has limited facilities as it does not have a large reception, large cafeteria or gym, but it is perfect for those looking for a short stay in a good location in Tokyo.

  • Leo O

    Leo O


    Reason we ended up staying here was because it was close to the Tsukiji Fish Market. It's within walking distance and especially since you have to wake up at 3am to go line up, we needed a place within walking distance as public transportation is not running at those hours and taxi service is too expensive. We got a non-smoking room with 2 double beds. Unfortunately, the room still smelled like smoke and nothing could have been done about it. The price for the room was fairly inexpensive as we found deals through japanican (highly recommend this site). The bathroom was very small, probably even smaller than the Sunroute hotels. One end of the shower contraption was for the sink and the other end was for the shower end. Basically it was the most cost effective option. One device for 2 purposes. Other places we stayed at had 2 separate devices (one for the shower and one for the sink). The beds were relatively soft, not firm (which I prefer). Pillows were mediocre at best (lacked filling). Their choice in liquid soaps was decent, I liked the smell. It has been mentioned that there is a noise issue, we didn't experience that at all. We couldn't hear the noise from the streets (probably because we were too tired). You can hear some "noise" through the walls but perhaps we were lucky and everybody on our floor passed out early. Overall if you need a place to stay for the fish market, this place is fine since you'll only be getting a few hours of sleep before lining up at the fish market. However, I would not recommend this place for an extended period of stay. One night/few hours is all you need.

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