Hotel Sunroute Ginza w Tokyo

JaponiaHotel Sunroute Ginza


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1 Chome-15-11 Ginza, 中央区 Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5579-9733
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Latitude: 35.6735533, Longitude: 139.7698028

komentarze 5

  • Kyle Bishop

    Kyle Bishop


    My wife and I stayed here for 6 days during our first trip to Tokyo. Everything is well within walking distance and there's even a Family Mart on the corner for convenient breakfast or late-night snack. We arrived at haneda airport and took a direct Subway to a stop within a 10 minute walk of the hotel. Room size is spacious for Japanese standards though slightly smaller than Western size. The rooms are well cleaned and maintained. There is a high likelihood that my wife and I will be returning here for our next trip to Japan as the Hotel central location to transportation makes it ideal for those wanting to explore the city.

  • Senkan Koukuu

    Senkan Koukuu


    Not the worst hotel in the universe, but not anywhere near the best either. Especially, compared to its competitors in the neighborhood, the hotel guest rooms are REALLY small. Like, half, actually. The prices aren't cheaper at all, though, and there's nothing special about their customer service, too. Also the rooms are PITCH-DARK. Dark, as in, it's hard to read something. Too bad I have to give them three stars as I really like the Sunroute Kyoto Hotel, but compared to the Kyoto and Aomori branches, this hotel isn't really too great and I do not recommend it. Some of the Japanese people are saying that the rooms are too small, not very cost-effective, and sometimes not cleaned very well. I agree, to an extent. I'd give a D for room size, C for its price, and maybe a C+ for hygiene.

  • Angelica Tan

    Angelica Tan


    This is a tiny businessman's hotel that is right in the heart of Ginza. Per night is roughly USD$100 without bfast (quite reasonable considering its central location). But finding food is not a problem in this area. There are Family Mart, Lawson and 711 nearby, with super yummy take-aways and anything u might need. Rooms are tiny but very neat and clean. There is even a complimentary phone with free wifi which u can take with you while roaming the different places in Tokyo.

  • Alex Ang

    Alex Ang


    highly recommended hotel in ginza, tokyo. reasonable price and well maintained and clean. near the subway stations.

  • q s

    q s


    Friendly and helpful staff, high quality facilities and cleaning services. The optional buffet style breakfast was a little expensive at 1500 yen but offered a wide range of breakfast options and didn't close too early. The location is fairly close to quite a few train stations which is handy for easy access to the city train lines. There were no issues with loud neighbours or outside noise. There was an issue with poor ventilation due to only having one window but the provided high quality air-conditioning system somewhat made up for that.

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