Tsuboichi Seicha in Sakai

JapanTsuboichi Seicha



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-1-2 Kukenchōhigashi, Sakai Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0934, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 72-227-7809
webseite: tsuboichi.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.5851479, Longitude: 135.4804387

kommentare 5

  • Inoue Yusuke

    Inoue Yusuke


    Worth travelling to Sakai city just for this place. Quality of tea, service and price ratio is amazing. But my favourite part is a little garden at the back. grab the table by the window if you can.

  • Cher S

    Cher S


    Wonderful place to visit if you're in Sakai! The matcha and roasted tea Rikyu mochi were delicious! The fillings are really special, and paired very well with the soft chewy mochi. The matcha anmitsu set was good too - matcha ice cream with red bean paste, mochi and jelly. The hojicha was fragrant and unlike other hojicha I've had. The gyokuro tea was interesting - tastes very green. You can also eat the left over tea leaves with ponzu - surprisingly delicious! Staff are also friendly. A great experience.

  • Oliver H. (DarumaSan)

    Oliver H. (DarumaSan)


    We ate a very delicious matcha crushed ice here and drank wonderful tea at tsuboichi. The staff are sooo nice and gave us a great time.

  • Julio CP

    Julio CP


    Went during summer and it was an amazing experience. If you love Matcha and are nearby please pass by. Awesome matcha desserts and tea too… definitely 5stars!

  • 007Decky



    If you are a Japanese green tea fanatic, being in Sakai and yet not visiting this Japanese green tea specialist boutique would be insane! This place has some finest Japanese green tea to offer! In addition, it has a bistro dedicated to creative green tea dishes and desserts! Although its unassuming doorway and exterior may not catch attention from passerby, its quaint interior design and indulging desserts will surely make your first visit rewarding and memorable!

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