喫茶ラック in Sakai




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2 Chome-1 Kitahatagochohigashi, Sakai Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0923, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 72-229-7583
webseite: bfkq.hatagashira.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.5906831, Longitude: 135.4854442

kommentare 5

  • 中村宗典



    A retro coffee shop. Grandma is doing her best alone. The phone is a black phone. What's so delicious about it is the egg sandwich. There are 8 servings per person, just thick eggs and cucumbers. Please try it without relying on mayonnaise. Be careful! The iced coffee contained syrup. Please listen to the Black Party.

  • まっ!ちゃん



    Is there a place nearby where I can eat breakfast that starts in the morning? I went looking for it. This is my first time going to Cafe Rack - it's in a prime location right in front of the station. I looked it up on Google and found out there is a place nearby where you can eat delicious food in the morning! They said it was open from 7:00 a.m., so I went to the front of the store a little after 7:00 a.m. - Is there a sign at the door that says it's open? I entered the store thinking that I was running a certain store. The outside looks a little rundown, but when I entered the store, I found it to be well-maintained, clean, and cozy. A friendly lady is running the business all by herself. She welcomes us with warm towels and cold drinks. I ordered an egg sandwich and a hot dish. The sound of coffee making a pokopokopoko sound and a jar. I can hear the sound of eggs being fried over the voice on the radio. Ah~ It's so relaxing and relaxing~ Adult time moves slowly in a somewhat nostalgic space. Sometimes the sound of the train tracks and the sound of the railroad crossing give me a sense of relief. After a while, it was carried away. (It was served quickly because other customers had already eaten. I was the only one waiting for my food.) Wow, the sandwiches are huge and the coffee smells great too. Before I ate the sandwich, I had a sip of coffee. It was delicious. It wasn't too sour, so it was my favorite coffee. It was delicious! Now, egg sandwich! Ripoff~Fluffy! Both the bread and the eggs are so fluffy! Another bite of butter? The fluffy and fluffy egg is topped with mayonnaise and lightly salted, and the fluffy bread is seasoned with exquisite flavor. It's really delicious. The crispy cucumber slices also work well. The fluffy bread sandwich is delicious~The seasoning of the egg is also great~ In a calming space where time passed slowly, having a leisurely breakfast was a luxury, and I was able to relax to the fullest. Moreover, having a full stomach makes me so happy! The location is in front of the Chin-Chin train station, and you can park your car nearby.In the same street as the store, 20 to 30 meters away, there is coin parking for 6 cars, mostly monthly, but available for hourly rental. It was nice of you to be attentive to me, and thank you for the meal. It was delicious.

  • せりだにょ



    Very delicious egg sandwich ♡ Since you are doing everything from cooking to cooking by yourself, it is not suitable for people who want you to hurry up! They are served in order, so you can take your time and enjoy the atmosphere while waiting to enjoy the egg sandwich! The regulars were all very fun people, and even though it was my first time meeting them, they were friendly and spoke to me. I ordered some fried rice to take home, and it was delicious even when it was cold! The kids took home the egg sandwiches and raved about them, saying, "We want to eat more!" This is a restaurant I would like to visit again to try other dishes.

  • ミルクチョコ



    Very good atmosphere My mother Alone Are doing Tiny old-fashioned coffee shop This is a restaurant that allows smoking. Egg sandwich the best After Curry pilaf too! ! Cocoa is also delicious Iced coffee is also good Everything is the best

  • ricchan se

    ricchan se


    This cafe is just right beside the Takasujinja Tramway Station, from the outside it looked like it was closed but actually if the door was written 営業中 it opens.. I entered the cafe and was welcomed by grandmother voice いらっしゃいませ, the atmosphere is so antique and old in a positive way, also it was cool inside . I ordered 玉子サンド egg sandwich and hot coffee, it was very big portion and I was wondering how much eggs she did cooked for it, the coffee was also nice plus creamer and sugar on your favour, she also gave warm towel and free fresh water which is very good in this humid and hot summer.. The portion to price ration is pretty fair in my opinion (even cheap!) The grandma is very nice, you can practice your japanese with her too ahahahaha, I immersed some kansai vocabularies from her.. I also asked since when she open this cafe, she said it was around 50 years ago, since Shōwa period! and the station beside this cafe is far older around 100 years old🤣 She also asked me how do I know this cafe, I said it's from the maps and she amazed.. I hope I can share the joy of this cafe through this review.. I want to taste the 定食 as well!

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