Trattoria Luce en いわき市

JapónTrattoria Luce



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Japan, 〒970-8026 福島県いわき市平南町71
contactos teléfono: +81 246-84-6159
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.0546478, Longitude: 140.8911174

comentarios 5

  • furu furu

    furu furu


    Lunch is around 1,300 to 1,500 yen, which is a little high for a regular Italian restaurant, but the food is delicious.

  • SSCひろ



    I went there several times for lunch. There's nothing wrong with it. Busta and pizza are both delicious. The salad is not just a bit of dressing on top of the vegetables, but is literally "coated" with it. If you make it in advance, the water will come out from the vegetables, so do you mix it in a bowl each time? I think they are putting in a lot of effort. The coffee after the meal is decent, but since the kitchen is run by one person and the prices are on the low side, asking for that much is probably too much. If I have a chance, I would like to go there at night as well.




    When I went to Iwaki City, I popped in and it turned out to be a perfect fit. The menu seems to change depending on the ingredients purchased, so if there was one near my house, I'd go there every day and eat everything. I forgot to take a photo, but the pasta was very delicate and delicious, with just the right amount of salt, and went perfectly with the white wine. I thought it might be related to Senju's Osteria Luce, but apparently it's not. I would like to go there again if I go to Iwaki.




    I wanted to eat pasta so I went for lunch. There is no photo, but it comes with coffee for 1200 yen \(^▽^)/ The shop is on the second floor, and there is a parking lot next door, making it very easy to get to. The salad was delicious with original dressing. The pasta also contained seasonal vegetables and was very delicious. Next time I would like to try pasta with cream sauce.

  • A TERA

    A TERA


    A small Italian restaurant on the second floor of the building. When I came to see the Lisa Larson exhibition at the Iwaki City Museum of Art, I stopped by to try something to eat, but I was surprised to find that the spaghetti was a perfect emulsion of butter and garlic (sorry) and was even more delicious than I expected. The pizza is also excellent, large and filling. Comes with salad and coffee. Very satisfied.

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