TRATTORIA Campagna in Hachioji

JapanTRATTORIA Campagna



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1-5 Misakichō, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0084, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 42-627-1201
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6565313, Longitude: 139.336662

kommentare 5

  • 世裕



    I ordered pasta with fresh cream meat sauce. Personally, I think the noodles are the same as the pasta you eat at home. I felt that An Italian restaurant with a nice atmosphere in Hachioji It's about Campagna. I want you to do your best

  • 憲


    For the first time, I went to have lunch (C course) with 9 people to celebrate with my co-workers. It was a very delicious and fun time at a casual Italian restaurant ✨ I will use it again 🙏 Thank you for the meal.

  • naco



    I used it for the Christmas course. Perhaps because I was able to make a reservation early, or perhaps because of the kindness of the restaurant, a private room was prepared for me. I was worried because I was traveling with children, but I was able to spend my time in a private room with peace of mind. The attentiveness was amazing. The food is also very delicious and you can feel that it is made with care. Both the pasta and main course were excellent. It was so much fun to see the cast members having fun talking about each dish and wine, including anecdotes. I started eating eel in Italy too. It was absolutely delicious. It has become a store that I want to use not only for anniversaries and events!

  • Gee Lian Ng

    Gee Lian Ng


    I went there for company's year end dinner of 13 people. We had a section of the restaurant to ourselves. It was a set meal course. The food was VERY delicious and the variety for the "free drink menu" was decent too. I can't help but say the bread was really awesome! I will definitely go back again.

  • ぴょんきち



    I made a reservation over the phone (I had a proper history), but I was told that they didn't have any reservations, so all my requests went to waste. From the moment I entered the store until I left, there was no apology, and I was made to feel as if it was my fault, making the celebration feel like a wake. . . I thought the taste was stylish and delicious. I was confused when choosing from the many types of pasta. The handmade noodles were flat and delicious. The appetizers were also stylish and tasted good. I gave it a low rating because I personally didn't like it. In terms of taste, I thought it would be good to go out to eat pasta for lunch. But I don't think I'll go again. . .

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