和食堂 穰-ゆたか- in Hachioji

Japan和食堂 穰-ゆたか-



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Japan, 〒192-0046 Tokyo, Hachioji, Myōjinchō, 4-chōme−2, 明神町4-2-2秀和第2八王子レジデンス107
kontakte telefon: +81 42-649-8626
webseite: twitter.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6593791, Longitude: 139.3435304

kommentare 5

  • Rosalinde Mishima

    Rosalinde Mishima


    The flavor of the miso soup stock is delicious. Both main dishes and side dishes are delicious. However, compared to before the coronavirus pandemic, I am no better at cooking white rice. It's soggy and dumpling-like, and frankly it's not tasty. I wondered if I had just gotten away with it today, but since this happened many times, my visits have decreased significantly. Previously, it was so delicious that the grains of rice stood out and I was surprised. Is it the cooking method or the quality of the rice itself? Also, they are doing their best not to raise the price, but the daily lunch menu uses too much chicken, although it is limited to 10 meals, so I would like to raise the price a little more and try other ingredients. This is also the reason why the frequency of visits has decreased. Also, the height of the counter and the height of the chairs don't match. Especially for women, the desk is too high and it is difficult to eat. But it's delicious.

  • Furuya Shinichi

    Furuya Shinichi


    In a cluttered store To be honest, I didn't expect much. But it was much better than I expected. It's a reasonably priced tempura and Japanese restaurant (kappo?) Everything that came out was in good condition and the ingredients were fresh. I'm glad that the tempura oil isn't sticky and it's easy to eat. Shochu may be strong. I think highballs are a good deal. Tendon and highball for dinner Enjoy a leisurely drink with the tempura course I think there are many ways to use it. I would be happy if stores like this become more popular.

  • 梟ノ介



    I needed to have lunch near Keio-Hachioji Station, and as I was looking at the outside menus of both restaurants, I was wondering whether to go to a recently opened Western restaurant or to the Japanese restaurant Jo, and I came across Jo's grilled hamburger curry. We are offering it! No, there is no information on Tabelog or Google Maps! According to the official Instagram, they have been offering it since May, but the images focus too much on the food, making it difficult to understand the whole image of the grilled curry...(^_^;) As a hamburger lover who lives in Hachioji, I decided to check this out. I was quite hesitant because the Western restaurant also had hamburgers... As mentioned in other reviews, the lunch comes with two small bowls. Of course, it also comes with grilled hamburger curry. Grilled curry is served whole in a clay pot. The photo is viewed from above, so you don't see much volume, but since it's an earthenware pot and has depth, it's large enough to satisfy even an adult man. On the other hand, if you are a woman who eats little, you may have too much to eat. The hamburger steak may look small, but it is a thick type of hamburger and is not small. The only vegetables are grilled eggplant and grilled tomatoes, and the husband knows! I thought it was a good choice (・∀・) When I first saw the price of 1,650 yen, I thought it was a good price for a Japanese restaurant's whimsical menu, but once I tasted the size of the hamburger and the perfection of the entire dish, I realized it was a reasonable price. I reconsidered. The curry is baked in a clay pot, so it's piping hot from start to finish, making it perfect for the coming season. This is a curry that is mildly spiced and suitable for everyone. I think even children of elementary school age can eat it. In Hachioji, the 4th installment of the PayPay refund campaign will begin in December, so I think this is the menu to aim for. However, the menu is limited in quantity, so you may not be able to order if it's late.

  • 小池幹生



    This is the first visit. I came here for the first time for lunch because I wanted to eat delicious tempura. Let's try the kakiage bowl, 930 yen including tax. There are three small bowls to choose from, which is pretty nice. I made lotus root kinpira and fried eggplant. The kakiage is 3 centimeters thick, but the batter is thin, crispy, and smells like sakura shrimp. Also, the tempura soup was well seasoned and it was delicious. I was told that the regular serving size is ok, and that there is also a light kakiage bowl, but the regular serving size was perfectly fine, I just wanted a large serving size.

  • Ekg Noza

    Ekg Noza


    This does not mean that the taste is bland, but rather that Japanese food is elegantly seasoned. There are many types of dishes that go well with alcohol, so you can enjoy drinking more. Also, since it is a Premol Tatsujin store, the beer is extremely delicious. Despite the fineness of the bubbles, temperature, taste (which varies greatly depending on the server's regular care), and the number of Premol Master stores, I don't think it's as great as this. The husband works hard in silence, and the wife? I think it's just the right balance as they serve customers with a smile. Please try the signature tempura and oden, we highly recommend them.

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