TRATTORIA Briccola en Shinjuku City

JapónTRATTORIA Briccola



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒160-0022 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Shinjuku, 3-chōme−11−10 新宿311ビル B1F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5369-3530
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6918428, Longitude: 139.7066256

comentarios 5

  • s watanabe

    s watanabe


    Is it the first time in over 10 years? It's a nostalgic feeling. Previously, it was mainly used by two people, but this time it was a group. We had a la carte rather than a course, but we enjoyed it without any problems. It feels like a hideaway, and the ease of use hasn't changed. Of course the food was delicious too. I'm satisfied.

  • Albert Tsai

    Albert Tsai


    Over priced and very limited menu selection. Quality was OK but not worth the price

  • Johanna Öman

    Johanna Öman


    Nice atmosphere a bit old could use a renovation on the inside. Good food!

  • Raymond Hung

    Raymond Hung


    Nice ambience and foods but a little overpriced.

  • Mathilde M

    Mathilde M


    Japanese Italian restaurant, trying hard but still quite different from the original. What I did not like at all was that the bottle of wine we had chosen came with a different year... and that they seem to think that it is normal. It is not.

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