Toyoko Inn Shinagawa Oimachi i Shinagawa City

JapanToyoko Inn Shinagawa Oimachi


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1-chōme-27-3 Ōi, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0014, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3771-1045
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Latitude: 35.6062535, Longitude: 139.7315351

kommentar 5

  • Tiffany Rupp

    Tiffany Rupp


    I don't mind hard beds but I don't enjoy feeling every coil in the bed. Beyond that this is a heat place to stay for a night or two. They have a kettle and mini fridge, place to hang clothing and clothing freshener. Check in is easy and efficient though it does help to learn some Japanese to make it smoother. Staff are great. Breakfast was wonderful. The bathroom was nice and clean.

  • Praful Sambaturu

    Praful Sambaturu


    Fantastic location. 10 mins away from shibuya and has good options for food. Their complimentary morning breakfast is good and over all ...a great value for your money

  • Nick Kisel

    Nick Kisel


    Helpful reception and staff. Rooms equipped with baths, television, and humidifier. Incredible breakfast starting at 6:30 AM that includes great protein packed options and vegetarian options. Ooimachi station is just a few minutes away. Would start at other Toyoko Inns again

  • Jayson Hironaka

    Jayson Hironaka


    Very clean comfy hotel. Business hotel so it's on the smaller side but if you're not going to be in the hotel and just need a place to sleep this is a great option. Has toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, all provided. Would definitely stay here again.

  • M F

    M F


    Another hotel of Toyoko-inn group. It is located very near to Oimachi station and 5 min. walk. Room is rather small but conveniently equipped. The room rate is reasonable considering the location and breakfast. There is only one elevator and you must wait long at morning rush hours.

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