Toyoko Inn Niigata Furumachi w Niigata

JaponiaToyoko Inn Niigata Furumachi


brak informacji

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7 Banchō-1168-2 Kamiōkawamaedōri, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8068, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 25-227-1045
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 37.922028, Longitude: 139.047745

komentarze 5

  • こさぶろう



    It's in a great location right in the middle of the city. The room was spacious and clean as well. The breakfast rice balls were also homemade and very delicious.

  • くまさん



    Conveniently located near downtown Niigata. There is a 7-Eleven within 3 minutes walk. I was surprised at how luxurious the breakfast was (I was surprised that the breakfast at Toyoko Inn was such a big deal). However, it was a shame that I could hear the loud snoring from other rooms across the hallway.

  • ぷにぷにぷにすけ



    Cross Bandai Bridge and turn right at the intersection in front of Kami-Okawa and you'll be right there. However, since it is in Furumachi, Niigata, it is quite far from the station. Is it a little over 2 kilos? The route from the station requires crossing Bandai Bridge, which I like the feeling of coming to Niigata, so it's not too difficult. Overall, a very average (maybe a little more beautiful) Toyoko Inn. It's been a while since I last stayed at Toyoko Inn, but when did they start using cards as keys? Does it differ depending on the store? I thought it would be a little easier to use the card key to check out at the machine, but I don't think there's much of a difference in time compared to having to hand it over to the reception desk. There was a customer on the same floor who was watching an idol concert at full blast, and the sound was leaking into the aisles, so I called the front desk and they seemed to respond immediately. When checking out in the morning, I politely said, ``We apologize for the noise last night.How was it after that?'' It's okay, it's not your fault. Thank you for your response

  • Steven Gonzalvez

    Steven Gonzalvez


    This Toyoko has been upgraded to the new Toyoko Inn guestroom standard, but not completely. There still is a step on the bathroom's threshold (which it is very easy to hit with one's toes when going in, a not-insignificant hazard) and the shower does not have an in-ceiling "monsoon" outlet. The Furumachi area of Niigata gave me the impression of being getting slightly stagnated at the moment. There is another Toyoko Inn by the station, and I had had the choice I think I would have preferred staying there, as the neighbourhood looked more interesting as well as more practical. Excellent breakfast, though.

  • Chee Phenn Foo

    Chee Phenn Foo


    Free shuttle service from Niigata station to hotel and return Close to shopping street and full of restaurants bar and shopping just a stone throw away

najbliższy Kwatera

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