Toyoko Inn Narita Airport Honkan w Narita

JaponiaToyoko Inn Narita Airport Honkan


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

560 Tokkō, Narita, Chiba 286-0106, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 476-33-0451
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.7819583, Longitude: 140.3842137

komentarze 5

  • Tuvsho G

    Tuvsho G


    I love everything about this hotel. Very close to narita airport, free shuttle bus, breakfast included, in lobby supermarket. I forgot my tablet on day I checked out and received message in few hours from hotel when I had no idea where I lost it. Thank you again. All staff are very friendly.

  • Marythe McAlister

    Marythe McAlister


    Great overnight hotel with airport shuttle. Quick and efficient check-in, comfortable rooms. Very clean. Busy but good breakfast buffet.

  • Irshad Abdul Shakor

    Irshad Abdul Shakor


    Affordable, accessible with free shuttle bus services to and fro hotel to airport and vice versa, free breakfast, easy check in and check out. Good services provided by the hotel staff and others. 24 hrs Lawson at the lobby area. Water dispenser, washing machines and dryers provided at the lobby. Value for money all depends on what type of room.

  • Frank van den Brink

    Frank van den Brink


    Nice hotel, close to Narita airport. The shuttle is very convenient and only a 10 minute ride. Rooms are OK and standard size for Japan (so not big). Convenience store is in the hotel and has pre cooked meals that can be heated up in the store. Breakfast is nice with a buffet and quit some choice. Bathrobes can be picked up in the hallway, together with toothbrushes and soap. Check in is via machine.

  • Andrew Ballard

    Andrew Ballard


    I did not have a good experience at this hotel. The lobby area does not have any seating. It’s quite cafeteria style. Bare-bones. Breakfast ends at 9 AM. And if you’ve just traveled from Europe or United States, you were probably jet lagged. when I got to breakfast around 8:30 the staff approached me and said, “hurry hurry.” as they were anxious to clean up. That is not restful or relaxing experience. Promptly at 10:00 AM which was checkout time. I received a phone call from the front desk asking me to check out immediately. I am, of course, happy to check out at the appropriate time, but. 10 o’clock is the outside of industry standard, and I thought it was strange that I received a phone call promptly at 10 o’clock. Wow, I did not feeling very welcome. I recommend you spend 20 more dollars and enjoy one of the other great hotels nearby.

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