Toyoko INN Kagoshima Chuo eki Nishiguchi en Kagoshima

JapónToyoko INN Kagoshima Chuo eki Nishiguchi


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2-chōme-28-10 Nishida, Kagoshima, 890-0046, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 99-814-1045
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Latitude: 31.5853186, Longitude: 130.5417486

comentarios 5

  • Wynn Li

    Wynn Li


    rooms 7th floor below, 15-19 are facing wall, 13 facing railway track. These rooms either you can’t see the sky if not noisy. Old rooms and smelly. Changed room twice.

  • G C

    G C


    Location good Room was never cleaned over 3 nights. I just got fresh towels everyday. Noisy after 10pm, hard to sleep Bed is rock hard.

  • Tom



    A basic breakfast is included in the room price. You get eggs, sausages, miso soup, rice, toast, etc. Good for those who want a no frills breakfast before heading out. Laundry with 2x washing machines and 2x dryers are available for a fair price. Rooms are basic but clean and functional. Got a really cheap rate for my 2 night stay. Location is great, 5 minutes walking distance from Kagoshimachuo Station and plenty of shops and restaurants nearby.

  • Cassandra Lord

    Cassandra Lord


    You always get what you expect with Toyoko INN. The rooms are pretty clean and well-kept, but pretty small. The beds are a little hard but comfortable enough, and you can adjust the heating as you like. There was no bin in the bathroom which is a bit gross for women, as you have to take any bathroom rubbish out into the room. The breakfast is pretty terrible. One day I arrived at 9:15 (still 45 minutes til closing), and it was as if I had arrived 5 minutes before the end, as there was only a small selection of food left. I arrived early the next day and there were only a few more options, and everything was always lukewarm. The hotel is only 2 minutes from the station, which was very convenient. If you are just staying for one or two nights and need a place to rest your head after travelling or business, this is a suitable selection.

  • Chananart Chivapruk

    Chananart Chivapruk


    The price is considered cheap. This is a very nice and convenient hotel as it is 2 minutes walk from Kagoshima Chuo station. The room is small but it is super clean. There is a writing table you can use in the room. The breakfast is delicious and the best part is that it's free. The staff is helpful and friendly. The check in is fast and easy.

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