Toyoko INN Chiba Makuhari i Chiba

JapanToyoko INN Chiba Makuhari


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131 Shinminato, Mihama Ward, Chiba, 261-0002, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 43-242-1045
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6187376, Longitude: 140.0866494

kommentar 5

  • Guillaume7372



    Very clean functional small room, despite the fact that there is barely any room to put your bags, just a few hangers. There is a large desk with a boiler and a small fridge. Don't forget to pickup at the lobby, amenities for the room , such as toothbrush, razor, tea bags... Free Wi-Fi works well. Parking available but seems to fill up quickly. There is also a washer next to the lobby. Breakfast is served in the lobby , but the selection was not to my taste. Limited choices of beverages , bread.... I skipped it and went to the convenience store which is located next door. Automated check in/out available. The Clerck at the reception was kind and could speak a little English. Free shuttle available to the nearest train station.

  • Vincent Chan Yuen Quan

    Vincent Chan Yuen Quan


    There's a free shuttle bus to inage kai gan station hence great for tourist They provide reasonable breakfast and it's surrounding has got great amenities and malls so okay.

  • Manish Dangol

    Manish Dangol


    Room was good but I was surprise their was no toothbrush, water, or any other drinking material in the room it was my first experience in Japan where I need to ask for toothbrush at the front and no drinking water in the room . Room was good.

  • Stick Man

    Stick Man


    Decent location, with shuttle bus to nearby Kaijin-Makuhari Station. Rooms are nice and spacious, for a Toyoko-Inn.

  • Manas Singhi

    Manas Singhi


    Stayed here for long time. Very nice service and very clean rooms.

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