とんかつ渡辺 i Takanezawa




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2362-65 Hōshakuji, Takanezawa, Shioya District, Tochigi 329-1233, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 28-675-1073
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Latitude: 36.6284977, Longitude: 139.9790734

kommentar 5

  • 鷹ノ羽太郎



    [Order] Regular serving of cutlet curry. As you can see from the photo, it's extra large and looks like it's about 5 times the size of a regular serving. The cutlet is not small at all, but the curry is so big that it looks small. Contrary to its appearance, the taste is gentle, and it feels exactly like ``Japanese curry.'' It was delicious. There just isn't enough room to eat it all. I continued eating while thinking about the balance between the roux and rice, and managed to finish it all. The other menu items are also attractive, so I'll come back again.

  • 手塚保夫



    I tried the recommended cutlet curry.I was told that I couldn't share the large portion, so I ordered a small portion. Even a small portion is enough. I ordered 4 dishes for my family of 4 and they said it was okay to share.

  • A A

    A A


    A regular serving full of rice. I feel like the ratio of curry and rice is not right, but somehow it was delicious and finished. When I asked the staff at the restaurant, they said the amount of rice was about 2 cups. I ate the amount my family cooks in one day in one meal. Both the cutlet and curry are delicious.

  • おもちにわとり



    The restaurant's signature menu item, cutlet curry, is so huge that it's probably over 1 kilogram, so impressive, and so delicious! At 950 yen, this volume is extremely reasonable and amazing. (There is a charge, but apparently you can get a large portion.) If you are confident about eating a lot, try the cutlet curry. The curry has a somewhat nostalgic taste of my mother's, which is good. Since the roux is just on top, it feels like there isn't enough roux. If you make a mistake in pacing, you will only end up with white rice. However, it seems that you can add it for 100 yen. It's a small restaurant in the countryside run by a couple, so the restaurant is small. There are 3 counter seats and 3 tables. Most of the staff are in the kitchen, so you may have to shout loudly when ordering. The landlady seems kind and talkative. There were quite a few signs on the walls of the shop, so I wonder if many famous people have visited there?

  • vishnu k

    vishnu k


    Good place

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