Tomiya Akashidai Post Office w Tomiya

JaponiaTomiya Akashidai Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-1-417 Akaishidai, Tomiya, Miyagi 981-3332, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 22-375-5541
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.3489386, Longitude: 140.8928063

komentarze 5

  • うさぎ



    Probably the same middle-aged female receptionist as the other reviewers, her language and attitude are bad. I feel sick

  • うりょ



    He accompanied me and explained the procedure in detail. It may vary depending on the time of day and the person, but in my case, I had a good impression. Please be careful as the parking space at the very back is extremely difficult.

  • S



    The response from the female staff member (also ◯) is the worst and I feel bad. I brought my passbook with me as instructed by the male staff member who dealt with me the last time I used the service, but he said he needed other things and couldn't transfer the money. It was a mistake on the post office's part! I don't think ignorant people should be placed at the counter. I felt uncomfortable having to wait. The person in charge was just watching from a distance, as if it were someone else's problem. I want proper guidance.

  • hina koko

    hina koko


    The middle-aged woman at the counter at Shortcut was terrible. That's harsh to say. It was close to my house, but I don't want to use it again. Wouldn't it be better for those in charge to provide proper guidance?

  • 龍と書いてドラゴンと読む



    I canceled my contract for Kampo at another post office at Akashidai Post Office, but I guess it was because I canceled it about 2 months after signing the contract. The young female staff member at the counter said, ``I don't know if I'll be able to sign a Kampo contract next time!'' He said this in a very angry tone. You feel bad when you say things like that, don't you? I didn't say it on the spot, but I won't sign a contract with Kampo again, so you don't have to worry!

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