Tokyo Midtown Post Office w Minato City

JaponiaTokyo Midtown Post Office



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3階 東京ミッドタウン Midtown Tower, 9-chōme-7-1 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-6203, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3405-1531
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6663343, Longitude: 139.7310576

komentarze 5

  • Ri chan

    Ri chan


    The attitude of the staff here is quite problematic. I don't know where to report it, so I'll write it here, but I'm generally short-tempered, so it's best not to ask too many bad questions. They can act in an overbearing manner, as if they think the common sense of postal workers is common sense for ordinary people. Even though the business hours are until 5pm, when customers arrive, they are clearly irritated. I make loud noises and work vulgarly. I guess the pay is low. I should change jobs. It's embarrassing to watch.

  • Stella Kosubenko

    Stella Kosubenko


    Very lovely staff, spoke limited english but we made it work!

  • J



    Japan Post ATM in a corner of Midtown. It has a somewhat lonely atmosphere, which is a complete contrast to the vibrant atmosphere of midtown. It's hard to find...

  • i k

    i k


    The customer service attitude of the store staff is mysteriously bad. I won't mention her name because it would be rude, but the woman whose name is three hiragana characters has a really bad customer service attitude. This is the first time I've ever been to a post office where I felt so sick even though I was just sending out a package. It's close, but the post office I don't want to go to if possible. The post office in Roppongi is far more responsive and offers pleasant customer service.

  • Serena Lee

    Serena Lee


    Normal post office for your postal needs. It's on floor 3 in Tokyo Midtown. 三階にあります〜

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