Tokyo American Club in 港区

JapanTokyo American Club



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒106-0041 東京都港区麻布台2丁目1−2, 106-8649
kontakte telefon: +81 3-4588-0381
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6585989, Longitude: 139.7414553

kommentare 5

  • Paul Braganza

    Paul Braganza


    Look, I love the director there, he's cool. But you can't choose the other members...

  • Tracy Greenwood

    Tracy Greenwood


    Great place to entertain clients. I've found the staff to be top shelf every time. They have many events for the family. And the people you meet here are all top notch expats (and Japanese business people).

  • Andrew Araw

    Andrew Araw


    I'm related to a member and we had an amazing private family dinner. Food quality was outstanding. Service was great. We got a general tour of the facility, they have a lot to offer members.

  • Sofiastar Bogomil Rashkov

    Sofiastar Bogomil Rashkov


    Well what can I say that is not aleady known about Tokyo American Club. Excellent place for casual meetings over cafe,lunch,dinner or drink only. Unless you health concious and meet in the amazing jym saloon inside. It is good for couples and families alike,jym provides running and playing space for kidds and teens alike and gives patents chance to do talk or excersise (no more excuses😉).

  • GB Gonzague

    GB Gonzague


    Great facilities, below average food. For the price you pay at Cafe Med or other places you can eat at TAC (on top of your membership) the food is really sub standards and you have to pretty much go with the same menu all year long. Go to TAC for the facilities, eat elsewhere.

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