Tipness Roppongi in 港区

JapanTipness Roppongi



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Japan, 〒106-0032 東京都港区Roppongi, 6 Chome−6, 六本木6丁目6−9 ピラミデビルB1F
kontakte telefon: +81 3-5474-3531
webseite: tip.tipness.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.661893, Longitude: 139.731382

kommentare 5

  • ja

    3 NO



  • K Y

    K Y


    プールを備えているのは良い。ジャグジーを併設しているので、それだけ楽しむこともできる。ミストサウナを備えているのはティップネスではここだけかも。お風呂は男女あるかと思っていたが男用のみらしい。ジムエリアが、他の店舗のように長方形ではなく、プール・浴場・ロッカールームを囲うようにU字になっている(カーブはないが)ので、面積が狭いように感じられてしまう。また、やはり他の店舗と比べるとトレーニングマシンの不足は否めない。 写真をUPしたが、ここのRM換算表は間違っているような気がするのだが・・・

  • ja

    mika K



  • Jason J. Lee

    Jason J. Lee


    This is a very old gym with an extremely outdated equipments and the style of the days (90's of US). It was nice 10 years ago, but alot can happen in that time. There are far more better gyms around. Be careful, they still use the old 90's scheme to lock you in for two years.

  • Nina Cataldo

    Nina Cataldo


    I've been going to this gym since I moved around the area 8 months ago and love it. It's very cheap for its nice facilities (less than ¥10,000 for under 30) and the staff are all so friendly and kind. I especially love the fitness classes that are offered that help me achieve my fitness goals. Lots of choices for personal trainers as well. The staff are also willing to help you learn any of the new machines or fitness tips. When you join you also receive 3 free consultations and checkups that were very very helpful! Only downfall is its location in a basement, which makes it a bit gloomy and muggy.

nächste Fitnessstudio

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