Togakushi Soba Museum Tonkururin in Nagano

JapanTogakushi Soba Museum Tonkururin



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3018 Togakushi, Nagano, 381-4101, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 26-254-3773
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.7267716, Longitude: 138.0867596

kommentare 5

  • Andreas Brunner

    Andreas Brunner


    Intersting and valuable visit

  • James Ang

    James Ang


    Was recommended this place by the lovely Japanese boutique hotelier Shiori-ya and it did not disappoint! There is a small soba musesum, restaurant and shop at the first floor but its the second floor where all the magic happens. In a hall, there are tables where you will learn from the staff via a step-by-step instruction on how to make soba from scratch. You are able to eat the final result and they will serve your own-made soba with the classic sauce, salt, wasabi and spring onions on the sides for a taste of your choice. Its recommended to eat your soba without anything first. When you make your own soba, it definitely taste different, come give it a try! The staff don't really speak English so best to come ready to translate. Its a super plus and highly recommended if you are a sake drinker to purchase their snow-aged sake at Level 1. The taste was unqiue and exquisite

  • kageashi



    We enjoyed the soba making workshop and everything in it.

  • sato hiroshi

    sato hiroshi


    There is a very long slide, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be playable now.

  • Craig Truzzi

    Craig Truzzi


    We made our own soba and whole our teacher spoke a small amount of English and we spoke a small amount of Japanese we all were successful under her capable hands. This was a great highlight of the Nagano area

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