Tochigi Medical Center Shimotsuga in Tochigi

JapanTochigi Medical Center Shimotsuga


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川連-420-1 大平町 Tochigi, 329-4407, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 282-22-2551
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Latitude: 36.3658533, Longitude: 139.7270126

kommentare 5

  • ko-ta



    I made a reservation at 11am and had to wait for over 3 hours. A completely meaningless reservation. Even when I called for an emergency, I heard happy laughter from behind. It's really unpleasant.

  • j iwa

    j iwa


    I was seen as an emergency patient at night. The diagnosis may depend on the doctor on duty that day, but I believe that the doctor who examined me provided appropriate treatment. That was a really big help.

  • Holiday 135

    Holiday 135


    Previously, when my mother was hospitalized, she was asked to sign a consent form (semi-forced) without explaining the treatment method or the risks that might accompany it, and then a relative of the key person (me) , I didn't even know that I had signed the consent form, and the treatment method was not explained to me...I explained the consent form to the ward nurse (female S) while I was the key person, saying that the hospital and my doctor were acting strangely. It's strange to ask for an autograph without asking! So, you signed the consent form, right? Well, even if you explain the treatment method to an amateur, they won't understand! Well, the teachers also go home at 5pm, so they don't have time to explain things. In the end, he came to my room and told me he was sorry for how poor our hospital was. I myself have been hospitalized (at a certain university hospital), and although the scale may be different, I can only say that it is a hospital that is very unpleasant and cannot be trusted when the same medical staff treats patients so differently.

  • You Topper

    You Topper


    Personally worst for me.

  • Y A D A carlosalberto

    Y A D A carlosalberto


    the building is new and clean, but the attendance continue the same.

nächste Krankenhaus

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