Sano Kosei General Hospital in Sano

JapanSano Kosei General Hospital


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1728 Horigomechō, Sano, Tochigi 327-8511, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 283-22-5222
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Latitude: 36.3251677, Longitude: 139.5729843

kommentare 5

  • YU



    I was admitted to the hospital for surgery. The gynecologist took care of me from examination to surgery. The doctors, nurses, anesthesiologist, and everyone at the hospital who helped me were all very kind, and I was able to go through the process without any worries. I almost wanted to postpone leaving the hospital (lol) This was my first inpatient surgery, and I am grateful that everyone was cheerful and kind and made it possible for me to have no complaints. The teacher kindly and politely answered any questions I had without making a negative face, which made me feel really reliable.

  • うなちゃん



    I visited this obstetrics and gynecology department last August when I returned home to give birth. I'm glad I gave birth here. All the midwives are kind. Please come close to me. From the time my labor started until I gave birth, she never left me even for a moment, supporting me by my side. I felt safe because the labor room was next to the nurse's station. Even after giving birth, when I was feeling anxious and depressed because it was all new to me, she encouraged me and answered all my detailed questions carefully. Mother and child stayed in the same room during the day, and they took care of the child at night. This was a great help as my body was in a lot of pain right after giving birth. Even during my checkup after being discharged from the hospital, he kindly listened to me even though I was in a state of mental disarray. Even when I went through difficult times raising my children after that, I was able to overcome them with the words you spoke to me at that time in my heart. I had an impression that general hospitals were cold, but that was not the case. I expected the food to be simple, but the postpartum meal was so filling and delicious that I couldn't believe it was from a general hospital. The seafood was gorgeous! I also had something sweet for snack at 3pm, which was something I looked forward to while I was in the hospital. Beds in large rooms do not have electric recliners. There is a private room. I was glad I had a private room because it was difficult for me to get up on my own after giving birth. I am deeply grateful to the doctors, midwives, and nurses who took care of me. I'm really thankful to you.

  • Zizi Jeanmaire

    Zizi Jeanmaire


    A woman in her 40s with brown hair tied up and wearing a necklace works as a receptionist in the radiology department. His attitude is too bad... Gan ignored me when I said hello. I thought he didn't hear me the first time, but he ignored me the second time as well. He silently snatches the reception slip from me. It's really crazy. Every time. Extremely unpleasant. Please stop leaving the reception to that woman.

  • M A

    M A


    I went to the obstetrics and gynecology department with a referral letter. This is my first time writing an online review. The reviews were good, and they said, ``Don't worry, their surgical skills are on par with those at a university hospital.'' I was also told that even if I went to a university hospital, my schedule would not be canceled because it was a benign surgery. I thought I wouldn't be able to have the surgery even if I went every month, so I made up my mind and chose Sano Kosei, but I wondered if he was a good doctor because he told me about the risks and talked about the risks first. I thought that maybe he spoke in a way that made fun of people and was a little overbearing? I was able to take it as if it were a problem, and I thought I was consulting with him as a patient, but in the end he ended it by saying, ``It's just going to turn into a small talk.'' I wanted to hear the opinion of a different doctor for my next consultation, so when I contacted them and said, ``I'd like you to change the doctor,'' the office staff said, ``I'll check,'' and they said, ``If that doctor also looks at your medical records. I was told that it wouldn't make any difference which doctor examined me because we had the same opinion,'' which made me feel uneasy overall. Should I trust my current doctor and entrust him with the surgery, or should I go back to square one and go to another hospital? After the doctor's appointment, my heart was pounding due to stress, and I quickly took a sleeping pill to forget the bad memories. My mother, who was with me, was also tired so she took a sleeping pill early. I've always had depression, so I get easily depressed and anxious, so this is the first time I've had such a bad experience at a hospital, and I think it will drag on for a while. I'm sorry for writing this. 3 months ago 2023.12.18, 1 star rating. Good button? I felt sorry for the 15 people, so I was wondering if I should leave it as is, but since I found a good teacher, I will raise my rating a little. The other day, I went to a hospital with a famous professor emeritus who focuses on uterine preservation, with the intention of getting a letter of introduction. The most senior doctor was going to see me, so when I went in, he kindly listened to me, looked at the MRI images and the pamphlet, and explained things to me in detail, saying, ``It's okay so far.'' mosquito? ” “Are you worried about something?” ""Do you have any questions? ''He put the patient first and was there for me, so I forgot about my fear of surgery and decided in my heart that I could entrust my body to this doctor, but now. Although it is further away, I would like to go to a famous doctor, or there is a scary doctor who saw me last time (if I were to have surgery, I would be worried that he might get it during follow-up observation), but I would like to have surgery here. I haven't decided yet as I want time to think about it, but the doctor I saw this time was very good, so I added a few more stars.

  • 鷲見彼方



    Since it is a general hospital, the waiting time is long, so even if you make a reservation, you often have to wait.The doctors and nurses are good depending on the department, and the same goes for the office staff.There is a large parking lot, but it is always crowded. There is a taxi stand next to the front entrance.

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