Tobiume en Sendai




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒980-0803 Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Kokubunchō, 3-chōme−9−9 コーポキクセン 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 22-265-2110
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.266948, Longitude: 140.867456

comentarios 5

  • t a

    t a


    lunch. Tonkatsu set meal 800 yen. I was disappointed in the difference between the photo on the menu and the actual item. The photo shows thickly sliced ​​pork, but what actually came out was thin, molded meat? Please post the actual photo. Apparently their specialty is udon, but I doubt I'll ever try it again.

  • 紋次郎



    I ordered the usual miso stewed udon. As usual, the simmering udon noodles arrived, so I added a raw egg and immediately took a bite of offal. ...!? This time, I stopped eating offal and had a bite or two of udon. ........ Strangely sour. I tried to bring a piece of offal to my mouth again, but that was the end. My colleague who ate the same menu with me finished it all. When I asked him about it later, he said, ``It was sour'' and ``I felt a bit sick in my mouth.'' I informed them of this at the time of payment, but they simply said, "I will inform the kitchen." Well, it's always delicious, so maybe it just happened to be bad, but I don't think I'll have it next time.

  • three glasses

    three glasses


    Seafood snacks are delicious. The quantity is a little small, but the price starts from around 500 yen, so I'm glad it's inexpensive. A 2-hour all-you-can-drink option costs around 1,600 yen, so it's a good restaurant where you can enjoy delicious food at a cheap price. The restaurant only has two private rooms that can accommodate up to 10 people, two tables with 4 seats, and a counter, so the capacity is small. It's best to make a reservation.

  • T I

    T I


    Lunch cost performance is the best. The rice they use is ``Date Masamu'', a Sendai specialty, and although they seem to be very particular about it, it does not disappoint and is very delicious. The flavor and volume of the fried chicken is hard to believe for the lunch price. It's a little far from the station, so it's hard to find at first glance, but when you walk inside, it's packed. The customer base is mostly single people who are well-dressed, including those in suits, giving a calm impression. It's great that it's not too noisy. Honestly, I didn't want to introduce it too much because it's definitely a hidden gem, but it's a wonderful shop that I hope you'll keep working on in these times, so I'd like to show your support. I would like to visit regularly.




    “Kakki Hour” is continuing!! ︎! Visited around 17:00 in early October, H30. If you want to eat a lot of oysters, come in between 16:00 and 18:00 and order at half the regular price (separately available from the up menu)! 3 raw oysters Normally 1000 yen → 500 yen 3 grilled oysters Normally 1000 yen → 500 yen Draft beer 240 yen Highball 190 yen Oyster rice 190 yen ... etc. Raw oysters are cheap (cuckoo hour effect), but they are delicious! ︎ According to the information from the staff, the oysters are purchased from various oyster fishermen in Miyagi and can be eaten throughout the year. (Apparently you can have oysters all year round by adjusting the position of your oyster shelf and changing the timing of ovulation...) My partner also loves oysters, so we both enjoyed 6 sets of 3 raw oysters! (It was really delicious.) Most of the staff were friendly and easy to talk to, so I was able to order without any hesitation. Although the shop is not that large, customers come in one after another, and unfortunately there were times when customers without reservations were turned away. It's a popular store. To finish off, I ordered oyster rice (also 190 yen during Kakki Hour) and returned to the hotel feeling very, very satisfied. When I come to Sendai again, I will enjoy plenty of oysters at Tobiume Oyster Shack! It became a good memory (lol)

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