田上歯科医院(セラミック/ホワイトニング)|熊本東区 en Kumamoto




🕗 horarios

18-6 Nishikigaoka, Higashi Ward, Kumamoto, 862-0912, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-368-2209
sitio web: www.tanoue-dclions.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7886032, Longitude: 130.7552275

comentarios 5

  • 名無しの人



    I used to go to the hospital, but I had to get my fillings removed frequently and it was a waste of time and money, so I transferred. I don't want to go there anymore because I'm just getting a filling that will come off in two or three years.

  • 田中まさこ



    I suddenly had a toothache, and although it was Sunday, I was looking for a dentist that was open, and when I found an appointment, I rushed in. New machines have been installed, and the doctor is very kind and even though I am not good at dentists, I was able to receive treatment with peace of mind. I would like to continue to take care of you in the future.

  • shm iszk

    shm iszk


    I visited the hospital about 5 times after reading the reviews. I went to see a dentist once for a checkup, but every time I went, they pointed out a new place for treatment, and I became anxious about going, so I stopped going midway. I'm an amateur so I don't know, but I got the impression that the treatment that was supposed to be completed once was divided into multiple sessions. The financial burden was also heavy, as the treatment cost was around 3,000 yen at a time. The teacher was kind, but I don't think it's best to trust good reviews too much.

  • HO SHI

    HO SHI


    When I had a chipped back tooth, I came to the hospital with high expectations because the reviews were highly rated on Google. However, I was shocked to find that the equipment was similar to what I had seen at the dentist's office when I was an elementary school student nearly 30 years ago. Even a layman could understand that the treatment methods and tools were the same as those seen 30 years ago. Of course, just because it's old doesn't mean it's bad. The area where I had the filling felt rough when I touched it with my tongue, and compared to when I had it treated at another hospital, it definitely felt like a foreign object, and I felt the roughness in my mouth all the time. The next day after treatment, the mucous membranes inside my mouth started to tingle. Every time I went to the hospital, a new treatment area was pointed out, and I treated the three areas as instructed, but I was worried because there was no end in sight, so I changed to another clinic and was told that there was no need for treatment. The filling came off within 2 to 3 months, and all the areas that had been treated had to be redone. I'm currently attending another place. As others have written, I think the reviews are manipulated to make them higher. Also, when I visited the hospital on the first day, the director himself said this proudly. When they searched for Kumamoto and dentistry, they made it the first hit, and now people come from as far away as Yatsushiro. I don't know about other clinics, but I don't think you should trust the high reviews here. Please be careful.

  • 角都



    About six months ago, I was treated for cavities. I have rarely missed brushing my teeth before every meal and before going to bed. I often get compliments on how white my teeth look when I smile, and I thought that I was less likely to get cavities. However, a year ago, my tooth started hurting, and when I had it looked at, I was told that there was a cavity behind the tooth that was invisible. I also had some cavities in the gaps between my teeth. I was so shocked that I insisted that I had been brushing my teeth properly, but when they took a medicine to check for leftover brushing, they found that there was a lot of leftover brushing in places that could not be seen from the outside. While proceeding with the treatment, the doctor very carefully taught me the correct way to brush my teeth, how to choose a toothbrush, and how to hold it. Fortunately, all of the cavities were still mild and can be treated so that they are not visible from the outside. In the future, I would like to visit here regularly for prevention and guidance. thank you very much.

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