Kudo Dental Clinic en Kashima

JapónKudo Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

1808-2 Namazu, Kashima, Kamimashiki District, Kumamoto 861-3101, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-237-2801
sitio web: plus.dentamap.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7464625, Longitude: 130.7408678

comentarios 5

  • くまじろう



    I went there in a hurry, but the teachers and staff were very pleasant and kind ^^ I'll change from where I'm currently going to this one.

  • ピカピカリン



    I thought tartar removal would be painful, but when I had my teeth removed here, I was surprised that it didn't hurt at all! ️ All the staff were kind. The dental hygienist also checked on me and spoke to me as I proceeded, allowing me to perform the treatment with peace of mind. I was given detailed instructions on how to brush and floss. I plan to request this regularly. I’m glad I went♪♪

  • chipo



    Thank you for taking care of me during my pregnancy. The doctor and dental hygienist were very kind and thorough. Children are also treated with fluoride treatment.

  • m k

    m k


    I went for cleaning (PMTC) and whitening a while ago. PMTC was very polite. Home whitening is the only option, but the trays are soft and easy to wear, making it easy to use. I was able to apply the gel to my back teeth. Whether it turns white or not depends on how you use it and the individual, but I put it on while I sleep and it turns white overnight (recommended for 2 hours a day). The price was also reasonable. I'll go again when the gel runs out.

  • y s

    y s


    I went to get my teeth cleaned. It was my first time to receive treatment that was so thorough and comfortable! The teachers and staff are all cheerful and considerate.

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