The Tokyo Station Hotel en Chiyoda City

JapónThe Tokyo Station Hotel



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
Japan, 〒100-0005 Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Marunouchi, 1-chōme−9−1 東京ステーションホテル
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5220-1111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6809928, Longitude: 139.7658873

comentarios 5

  • Marissa Bournique

    Marissa Bournique


    Picked this hotel based on reviews and locations. Found cheaper options online but this was well worth the extra cost and FAR exceeded my expectations. Very convenient to stay before leaving or arriving from airport, convenient to travel from throughout Tokyo. Staff went above and beyond, everything was immaculate. Comfortable beds and bedding. very quiet, no train or city noise. Highly recommend.

  • Gary Jelks

    Gary Jelks


    A fantastic hotel on top of Tokyo station making journeys to and from Tokyo easy. The rooms are comfortable and despite being on top of the station are incredibly quiet. The bathroom is spacious and the toiletries are replaced daily. The breakfast is a buffet and there is plenty of choice throughout the large dining room. There are a number of tea and coffee options too. All of the staff are friendly and helpful and are attentive when in the dining room. If I return to Tokyo, I will look to book this hotel again.

  • Tyler Conrad

    Tyler Conrad


    Excellent service and great breakfast! We couldn't believe the hospitality we experienced during our stay. We asked for basic directions to the NRT Express from the lobby of the hotel and one of the kind concierges assisted us with purchasing tickets and walked us all the way to the platform and chatted with us until the train arrived. She was so kind, thank you!!! You obviously can't beat the location of this historic hotel. Such a cool experience with a view of the Tokyo Station lobby!

  • Skyler Handl

    Skyler Handl


    Our best accommodation experience in Japan. Friendly service. Elegant accommodation. Spacious rooms. Presently surprised with an upgrade to the Ambassador suite featuring multiple bathrooms, large parlor, office and dinning room, all with views of the imperial palace. We will definitely return and stay at this immaculate property again.

  • Tabitha Young

    Tabitha Young


    We spent four nights at the Tokyo Station Hotel. I would rate the entire experience more than 5 stars if possible. Upon arriving, we were immediately greeted at the front desk and we were guided to our room and they also transported our luggage to the room. They were also very helpful in setting up the luggage forwarding to our next hotel. We did not have to do a thing, they filled out all the forms and had everything ready at check out. Breakfast was included for our stay and the food was amazing. Service at the breakfast buffet was also superb, everybody there was very attentive. The room was very spacious and the bed was comfortable. The room was also very quiet, you could not even hear other doors open and closing in the hallway. When we checked out, we simply asked how to get to the Shinkansen platform from the hotel. And instead of them just telling us where to go, one of the ladies at the front desk actually guided us throughout the entire Tokyo station up to where we would wait for our seats on the platform. I will forever be grateful for her. Unfortunately I did not get her name, but she was very kind and helpful. Would highly recommend this hotel for the service, comfort and convenience of being so close to the station!

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