Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo At Marunouchi en Chiyoda City

JapónFour Seasons Hotel Tokyo At Marunouchi


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1-chōme-11-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-6277, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5222-7222
sitio web:
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Latitude: 35.6781373, Longitude: 139.7669792

comentarios 5

  • Erica Elaine

    Erica Elaine


    Service is top notch! The hotel itself is very nice, the rooms were cozy. We came in looking very rough from travel but they still treated us like royalty, even though we weren't wearing designer clothes and looked terrible. We had a very lovely time at this hotel.

  • Daisy P

    Daisy P


    I have nothing but great things to say about this hotel. I recommend it to anyone that can or willing to spend on this hotel. The service was excellent. They went above & beyond for me on helping with my optometry appointment. They were able to make last minute appointments, reservations to some places. The room I booked was spacious & clean. I’m a big fan of Four Seasons now. It’s too bad they don’t have rewards or loyalty card.

  • Ben Blue

    Ben Blue


    Beautiful stay at Four Seasons Tokyo Marunouchi. Connected to the Tokyo Station train station, the staff was very welcoming and friendly, I felt as if there were 5 or 6 people greeting or saying goodbye to us when we entering or exiting for breakfast and/or the hotel entrance. We used the concierge to help us book a Michelin star restaurant, they were very easy and reliable to communicate with over email. The room was very comfortable with all the amenities you could ask for and expect. Heated toilet seat, pajamas, automatic shades, international tv, welcome fruit plate. Recommended. Breakfast buffet was nice.

  • Olga Sims

    Olga Sims


    We booked this hotel because Four Seasons Hotels in Canada are one of the best hotels. As well the price was the highest in Tokyo, so we thought we will stay there at the end of our Tokyo tour to finish our vacation on a high note. However when we checked-in and were accompanied to our room, we noticed unpleasant smell in the corridors, which was for us a turn off right of way. The room was poorly decorated with outdated old furniture facing right into construction area. As well we learned that hotel had no gym and no swimming pool. When we requested to cancel our reservation we had to wait a long time to see the manager, finally he came and was unpleasant and inpatient. He canceled out three-day reservation charging us a $1,000 for one night stay even though he knew that we would not stay a night and left as soon as we finished the interview. Normally I do not write negative reviews, but this time felt obligated to do so that other people would not get into such a predicament. Not only we lost money with the Tokyo Four Seasons hotel, but we also had to do a high-rate last moment reservation with other hotel.

  • Jennifer Cavellier

    Jennifer Cavellier


    The service here was exceptional. I don’t think we’ve had better service at a hotel. They took care of my husband, myself and our one year old - the amenities for kids were AMAZING. They had everything we needed and more. Location was great - easy access via the subway to Disneyland. Highly recommend. Thanks for a great stay!

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