The PAGENT - Nikko i Nikko

JapanThe PAGENT - Nikko


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1541-1383 Tokorono, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1421, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 288-53-5661
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.7777083, Longitude: 139.6121486

kommentar 5

  • Connie



    The food was fast and good, the service was a little too rude. It’s a fancy place with good options but we were seated in the very back (it honestly looked like an extra table, not for costumers), next to a dirty window with bad light and it felt rushed. Even to pay. Not going back.

  • Sean Robinson (Seany)

    Sean Robinson (Seany)


    Great place, staff were very friendly and the food was phenomenal. The room was quite basic but I’d still recommend

  • Sean Cryer

    Sean Cryer


    A lovely Japanese B&B. Locally called a 'pension' as they are normally run by retirees. Good free pick up service from Nikko train station morning and afternoon. Nine different bath rooms to choose from for your daily 24 hr available private hot bath (onsen). Amazing evening dinner. Good wi fi. Will stay here again.

  • Rie Nakayama

    Rie Nakayama


    A reasonably priced hotel with nice food. Although I was not a fan of plain mayonnaise as a dressing... From the outside and common dinning area it seems like a quaint cottage, however the actual room we stayed in looked about 100 years old and smelt very musty. The outdoor onsens they offered had no shampoo or soap which I wish they would have at least explained when we checked in. Not to mention more than half of the onsens were under repair anyway. If you book a room with a private onsen perhaps it is worth an overnight stay, but otherwise probably not.

  • J Pro

    J Pro


    The owner was great, he took me back and forward between the station and the accommodation. I quite liked the Onsen baths which I am not sure if they were natural or artificial. There is a basic kitchen, but I didn’t see any spoon around and the hot water boiler for your instant soup didn’t have the water too hot - I had to wait twice as usual for my noodles to get soft. Its a bit far from the city centre (and quite up the hill) but I would stay there again.

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