THE GLOBAL VIEW 長崎 i Nagasaki



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2-26 Takaramachi, Nagasaki, 850-0045, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 95-821-1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.7574788, Longitude: 129.8684155

kommentar 5

  • W L

    W L


    The rooms were old given the price and the heating didn’t work The service was good and there were Chinese speaking staff. There is also shuttle service from outside the hotel to the cable The breakfast was also nice with many choices, but there was a long waiting line. Location is not great also, around a 15 minute walk from Nagasaki station

  • Vinny F

    Vinny F


    Love the feel of this hotel! It is aged but it's classy and the price is really good. Room was very spacious and staff was very helpful. The hotel is located in a very good spot in Nagasaki and parking is conveniently under the building, though it costs 1500¥ daily to park there. There is a Family Mart that is located as part of the hotel also.

  • dave trinh

    dave trinh


    Hotel has a very nice lobby and the rooms are clean. Breakfast is very good. western tourists need to be prepared that the staff can speak little to no english. The staff is not much help besides calling for taxis. Location is convenient to take the bus and street car, however the location is not ideal to go to restaurants and explore the city center. The worst thing about the hotel is that the beds are extremely uncomfortable. I've stayed at business hotels and cheap hotels in the past but whatever bed they are using feels like you are laying on bricks. I was unable to get a full night's sleep in my 2 weeks staying here.

  • Stephen Dysart

    Stephen Dysart


    Wouldn’t stay again. Pros: convenient location to train, spacious room. Cons: Staff spoke almost no English and even with translator didn’t put in effort to to help us book dinner reservations. They simply said it was a holiday and restaurants were closed, but we found several options ourselves. They didn’t seem to know the city well or want to put in effort. Also the AC in the room did nothing and it was uncomfortably hot. Rooms are dated. I wouldn’t stay again.

  • Swee Chye Loh

    Swee Chye Loh


    Very spacious room space for a Japan hotel and it is still affordable. Early check in request was rejected but they allow us to deposit the luggages (after which they push it to the room for us). Hotel staff could try to speak to you in English using Google translate so it helps. Walkable distance from Nagasaki station, around 600m walk. Do note that there is ongoing construction around, so pushing your luggage may be troublesome but it is still manageable.

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