銅八銭 i Nagasaki




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6-7 Uwamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0054, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 95-827-3971
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.7516406, Longitude: 129.876329

kommentar 5

  • 典子



    I went there 30 minutes after it opened. It was almost full. Therefore, I waited about an hour after ordering for my matcha shake to arrive. It was very delicious, but I ended up with a lot left over. The store had a dusty smell probably because it was a retro store.

  • sffaeb



    The Shakes (Matcha and Banana) were really tasty. The people are so friendly and we had a relaxing Break.

  • Hiro



    I wanted to eat authentic Turkish rice, so I did some research. I arrived around 13:00, parked in the coin parking lot opposite the store, and entered the store without waiting. I found out that the Turkish rice and milkshake were their specialties, so I ordered them. It took a little time as I was cooking alone, but it was no problem as it was very delicious. Curry-flavored rice is topped with pork cutlet and pasta, and curry is poured over the top. After seeing it in a manga, I wanted to try it, and when I saw it at a convenience store, I tried it, but it wasn't very tasty. However, this Turkish rice was truly a dream-like food. The milkshake was too big, so we all shared it, but we still couldn't finish it. It was very delicious.

  • Lazy M

    Lazy M


    Unique atmosphere ~ feels like having dinner at grandma's house. Super friendly service, and tasty food! Definitley worth checking out while you're in Nagasaki.

  • Gary



    Amazing experience! I wandered into this restaurant to try their Hamburg steak and spaghetti and was met with very warm greetings from the owner (I think?). He gave me shochu on the house then brought me to a yataai after to eat ramen and other great food like a local. Definitely recommend. The Hamburg was such juicy quality. I will definitely be back for more great conversation and food.

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