the coffee bar in Okayama

Japanthe coffee bar



🕗 öffnungszeiten

14-1 Ekimotomachi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0024, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-239-7550
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.6665073, Longitude: 133.9155574

kommentare 5

  • Fergus Balfe

    Fergus Balfe


    Extremely overpriced for the quantity of food we received. The toast was one small slice of a baguette - no matter how good the taste, this is a scandalous portion size given it costs ¥1100. We also tried the frozen cappuccino - while it too was slightly expensive, the main issue was the unexpected pieces of jelly in the coffee. Decor is nice, and the place has a relaxed feel, but ultimately a very expensive and unsatisfactory breakfast.

  • June Charlotte

    June Charlotte


    Convenient location, good atmosphere. Food was overall normally good. Compared to the toast, the apple jam and salad were quite fresh and tasty. The cost was a bit higher compared to the quality of the food, one normal ham sandwich was ¥1,050. Spent close to ¥2,500 for two people for breakfast.

  • Stephan Jonkers (Crownmuri)

    Stephan Jonkers (Crownmuri)


    Tried the Fish sandwich. Taste was great, and they don't skimp on the filling. Very creamy latte. Prices average around 1000 yen for food + drink. Open in the early morning, so very nice for early backpackers!

  • Minla Yan

    Minla Yan


    The drip coffee and morning set are all good! The staff is quite nice to introduce the coffee beans they have. Engoy the coffee time here before taking the but to the airport!

  • Simone Osswald

    Simone Osswald


    Best coffee in Japan! 🇯🇵 Pop in for the daily changing blends on the menu! Just the right strength and creaminess. The guys behind the counter are super friendly and speak English. Well done guys! Arigatou gozaymas! 🙏Simone

nächste Cafe

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