1518 Coffee in Okayama

Japan1518 Coffee



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2-chōme-5-26 Hōkanchō, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0026, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-897-2859
webseite: www.coffee1518.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.668397, Longitude: 133.915871

kommentare 5

  • Mituyuki Kawaguchi

    Mituyuki Kawaguchi


    Blends available only at coffee specialty stores Coffee was delicious It's a store you'll want to go to again.

  • Maria Jose

    Maria Jose


    We had coffee jelly and soft serve ice cream, and it was delicious and refreshing on a warm day! The soft serve is very creamy and we absolutely loved the coffee jelly! They pair really well together. The order was ready right away and we were able to enjoy our dessert in the open patio at the back of the coffee shop. We also took home a bag of coffee beans to prepare at home. Because I don’t have a grinder, the owners kindly grounded the coffee for us at the coffee shop according to the grind size of our home coffee maker. The coffee beans make delicious coffee!! The attention and care that the owners have for their products and their love for coffee is evident and it’s beautiful! Thank you

  • 正成由加



    hot! hot! hot! hot! Is it on the frying pan? 🍳 I was on my way home...but I succumbed to temptation again. To 1518 Coffee. If you love soft serve ice cream🍦 I guess it can't be helped. The coffee powder is soft ♪ It's on... it's crazy Smooth Hokkaido milk soft serve, maple corn, and coffee powder✨I'm nothing but happy If you eat in, you can eat for less than 350 yen. But...but...when I looked at the menu... Coffee shaved ice for adults 🍧 or something like that... After ordering soft serve ice cream I was thinking about asking again, but I didn't want to hurt my stomach, so I gave up. There's no doubt about it... I will go again soon! 😆 Quickly chilled iced coffee is really delicious Extracts properly and has a deep flavor It’s amazing that you can even specify the origin of the beans! The sound of ice crinkling on glass While I was intoxicated, I was relieved for a while. You can do it easily by yourself. Extraction equipment, gifts, and miscellaneous goods are also on sale. If you like coffee, this is the shop that will satisfy you ☺️✨

  • N S

    N S


    First visit. Taking shelter from the rain. I'm glad that it comes with Lotus cookies. I got a drip bottle as a souvenir. A hearty iced cafe latte. It was delicious. Eat-in and take-out available.

  • 遠山まきおみ



    I bought coffee beans and soft serve ice cream and went home. There are many different types of beans and many different blends. When you order a blend, various types of beans are weighed and sold right in front of you. It's fun to watch. You will be asked if you would like to eat whole beans or powder, so choose your preference. A bitter blend costs about 650 yen for 100 grams. If you have 100 grams, you can drink one cup every day and use it up in about a week, and it will stay fresh and delicious. You will be asked if you want to sprinkle the soft serve ice cream with coffee bean powder (slightly coarsely ground). This also depends on your preference, but since it's not too much, it just gives you a slight coffee flavor, which is a nice accent. The corn was also delicious, so it's perfect for the warmer months. This price is about 400 yen. The road in front of the store is narrow, so please park in the coin parking lot. There is no bicycle parking lot, so you will have to park your bicycle in front of the store, but the entrance to another building is right next to it, so you need to be careful where you park your bicycle.

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