
🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒410-0892 Shizuoka, Numazu, Uochō, 15−15 ブルーウォーター
contactos teléfono: +81 50-5488-4770
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0951046, Longitude: 138.8578319

comentarios 5

  • Happy Traveller (*.*)

    Happy Traveller (*.*)


    Lovely restaurant, great decor, with a beautiful view over the Kano River. We ordered the Bluewater hamburger set meal. It started with a soup and a salad.  Followed by the cheeseburger, French fries, and onion rings. The burger was really good! Homemade patty, cheese, tomato, and a slice of pickle, topped with a crisp burger. Great! We finished with a coffee and a slice of cheesecake. The staff were really friendly. The chef who brought out our meal had an awesome mustache! Very cool guy! A visit is highly recommended!

  • Nkem Ndem

    Nkem Ndem


    The food here is amazing!!! The desserts are to die for!!😍.The menu offers an attractive choice of cuisines...and all are pretty much affordable. They do not accept credit card though, only PayPay or cash.

  • Wendy Will Travel

    Wendy Will Travel


    The Blue Water restaurant is a fantastic riverside cafe with delicious food and drinks, a cozy atmosphere, and a very kind and friendly staff. Very happy with the BBQ chicken thin crust pizza and ginget tea. So yummy! I highly recommend this place. The view at night is spectacular!

  • Jazmine brown

    Jazmine brown


    Best Apple pie EVER... In Japan

  • candice py

    candice py


    Cosy cafe along the river with a great view and free wifi. Quiet in the afternoons, perfect for afternoon tea. Hot chocolate is delicious here. (:

Cafetería más cercano

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