珈舎 en Numazu




🕗 horarios

2590-6 Shimokanukitōgō, Numazu, Shizuoka 410-0822, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 55-933-2171
sitio web: cafecasha.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.070664, Longitude: 138.875195

comentarios 5

  • M N (Manao.Lime)

    M N (Manao.Lime)


    During my trip to Shizuoka, I stopped by for some chiffon cake and coffee before going to my hotel. It looks like an ordinary house, and if there is no parking lot in front of the building, you might miss it. It's a space that can accommodate about 5 or 6 cars. Most of the seats were occupied by many regular customers, but we were able to be seated without having to wait. Are the owner and his wife elderly? His gentle personality oozed out. The coffee is mild and relaxing, and the chiffon cake is angel and seasonal. I asked him about the different types of coffee, but due to my lack of understanding, I couldn't really understand (lol). However, I really liked the taste. The chiffon cake is so voluminous that you can't believe it's only 330 yen! It's best to have plenty of whipped cream. The texture of the dough is chewy rather than fluffy, making it satisfying to eat. The room is subtly bright and very calming. Indirect lighting is provided through holes in the wall, creating a soft atmosphere. In addition to the cafe, works by artists and tea bags of Hojicha Chai from Shizuoka Umegashima are also on sale. Since it was rare, I bought a cup of chai. This is a cafe you'll definitely want to stop by when traveling to the Shizuoka area.

  • たかみんみん



    June 30, 2024 13:45 I'm glad I visited Everyone is taking pictures of chiffon cake. I am 🍓Strawberry Shari Shari (Sorbet 600 yen, delicious) Thank you

  • Hisako



    It's a very comfortable shop✨ The Nishiura lemon juice I received was very delicious and I highly recommend it✨✨✨ my favorite place 💗

  • tat_ mogmog

    tat_ mogmog


    This cafe is popular for its coffee with a rich aroma, deep richness, and exquisite balance of delicate flavors, as well as its handmade chiffon cakes! ! I ordered a blend and a chiffon cake🍴 Both are delicious, of course, but what's best is the space where you can relax and enjoy the slow flow of time😊

  • ロドけんちん



    We also hold exhibitions by local creators and artists from time to time. The tasteful coffee brewed by the master and the homemade chiffon cake made by his lovely wife are the best.

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