The Big Yakeyama en Kure

JapónThe Big Yakeyama



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1-chōme-21-1 Yakeyamakita, Kure, Hiroshima 737-0911, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 823-34-0222
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.3008478, Longitude: 132.558074

comentarios 5

  • 哲郎



    Shop today. cash register. I was waiting. Old lady at the cash register. Add the product to your cart. I was throwing though. Big, is it education?By the way. He is tall and fat. . Everyone, please stay tuned.

  • みるく



    We have everything from food to daily necessities and clothing, all at great prices! In particular, they have a wide selection of cat supplies, and you can buy them cheaper than other stores. As for clothing, there are a lot of cute and playful patterns like sweatshirt patterns that you won't find anywhere else, and I can't describe the patterns that make me chuckle. I come to the store often. The price is very low and I have bought several.

  • toshi koyaku

    toshi koyaku


    This is an Aeon group store. Aeon mall, regular Aeon, MaxValu, The Big and There are various Aeon Group stores, The Big is It belongs to the discount store category. At Aeon Group stores in Hiroshima Prefecture, I think The Big is the cheapest. On the second Sunday, everyone Customer Appreciation Day is on the 20th and 30th of every month. The 15th of every month is GG Appreciation Day. Customers over 55 years old will receive 5% off. 5% off on days other than the second Sunday, Is it an AEON card? Present your WAON point card or Payment with electronic money WAON is a condition. If paying by credit card, Other than AEON card If paying with another company's credit card, Granting WAON points, You cannot receive discounts or other services. From time to time, there are sales with 25% off clothing items. There will be more customers than usual, and it will be crowded. However, the clothing here is of everyday wear level, There is not much variation in size, only M and L. Food, clothing, daily necessities, small home appliances, etc. There is one kind of thing, but The display shelves in the store are spaced narrowly. When there is a customer pushing a cart Also be careful about passing through. Also, during the sales period, Is it because the product is not released in time? Place the cart for replenishing products in front of the display shelf. If you leave it behind, Sometimes you just can't get the product you need off the shelf. Formerly a bowling alley A building with a bookstore attached At first, the bowling alley side became The Big. After that, it became Maxvalu once, The bookstore side also becomes a sales area. I went back to The Big again. The parking lot is also irregular. There is a large parking lot near Kumano on the bus street side. There is a small parking lot near Kure. At the back of the parking lot on the Kure side Space for about 20 cars It is exclusively for light vehicles. Although it is classified as a light vehicle, Distance between adjacent parking slots It's not a narrow space, so parking isn't a problem. Mainly on Saturdays and Sundays Parking lot includes the second parking lot behind the store. It is often full. However, if it is a light vehicle, Even if there are cars waiting for a parking space in front of the store. The light car space at the back of the store on the Kure side is often vacant In most cases you can park without waiting. Found in other supermarkets Frozen foods etc. 50% off ice cream We don't have a sale, but usually always The prices of frozen foods and ice cream are 50% off sale price from other supermarkets It has a similar low price. The store building is old and the ceiling is not very high. I can't say it was a pleasant shopping experience, One thing at a low price This one store has it all. Added on May 30, 2021 ==== The river on the bus street side of Prefectural Route 31 Bank protection work had begun. At the back of the parking lot on the Kure side Parking space exclusively for light vehicles, It is closed due to bank protection construction. When I went shopping on May 3rd, Since the seawall construction work had not started, I think this is a recent story. There are no construction signs installed nearby. There are no information signs in the store either. It is unclear how long the seawall construction will continue. When the car is full The road is blocked by a fence, so It is difficult to change directions, so be careful. ==== Added on September 16, 2021 ==== When I went shopping on Sunday, September 12th, The river on the bus street side of Prefectural Route 31 The seawall construction work has been completed. At the back of the parking lot on the Kure side Parking spaces reserved for light vehicles are It was available as before. ==== Added on September 20, 2021 ==== At Aeon Group stores 5% off on both the 20th and 30th We are holding a customer appreciation day. The 15th is for seniors over 55 years old. For other members of WAON We are offering a 5% discount. Regarding even bigger Regarding the second Sunday, For all visitors We are offering a 5% discount. Monday, September 20, 2021 Coinciding with the three-day holiday, The parking lot was very crowded. Cash registers in each lane There were a lot of customers lining up, There are several lanes of cash registers that are closed. There seems to be a problem with the cashier's shift. Even in the narrow aisles of the sales floor Customers waiting at the cash register are lining up with carts, Items in the store near the cash register It's getting harder to take. ==== Added on July 17, 2020 ==== Recently, to alleviate congestion at the cash register. When shopping with a dedicated smartphone app The customer scans the product and after you finish shopping Pay at self-checkout It looks like they've introduced a new system. At Aeon and Maxvalu self-checkout Instead of a method where customers scan all at once, I attached it to my shopping cart every time I went shopping. Since it is a system that scans with a smartphone, The time spent waiting in line at the cash register is likely to be shortened. However, since it is an unfamiliar system, The store clerk displays the product and the input results. There may be times to check. You can also receive discount coupons and coupons at checkout. to reflect in the price To the store staff waiting in advance You have to present it, etc. I think the hurdles are high for elderly people. Outside the store, next to the lottery ticket booth A delivery box was set up. In addition to receiving luggage It seems that shipping is also possible, Because it's completely self It may be difficult to use for those who are mechanically ignorant. ==== Added on September 23, 2020 ==== On September 23rd, the autumnal equinox I stopped by the Big Yakeyama store. In the past, there were frozen foods and ice cream. Other supermarkets etc. It was much cheaper compared to Frozen foods have become especially expensive these days. At Fuji Grand etc. Frozen pilaf that usually costs around 247 yen Now it's 297 yen at Big. Frozen foods are Overall the previous price The image is that the price has increased by about 20% to 30%. Available for download every Wednesday on the MyPi app There is also a 100 yen discount coupon. Up until now, things could be used regardless of the purchase price. From next month, October Only for purchases of 2,000 yen or more It seems that the availability and terms of use will change. Big is AEON series You can also use AEON credits and WAON. Delivery via Aeon app Thank you passports cannot be used. It is also held regularly WAON POINT 10x sale, etc. Big and Max Valu stores It is excluded from the sale. Up until now, compared to Fuji Grand and Aeon, The advantage was that the price was low, Lately, food prices have been On the contrary, it is getting higher, The utility value of big has also decreased. Lately, I've been scanning it every time I'm shopping. Finally, at the self-checkout Introducing a payment system, Even for elderly people Pre-scan system It seems that more and more people are using it. But unfortunately, When applying discount coupons etc. Self-checkout is not enough, Through the cashier staff in advance Discount processing Looks like I'll have to take it. If a scanning error occurs, Beforehand Processing by cashier staff is required, Used at general retail stores I think self-checkout is actually faster. ==== Added on January 11, 2020 ==== The second Sunday of every month It's a 5% off sale day, so I stopped by on Sunday, January 8th. Until now, sometimes anyone can use it next time. We are handing out 5% off coupons. From Wednesday, January 11th to Friday, January 13th Coupon for 3 days only They were handing them out to shoppers at the cash register. However, it is available In the middle of an inconvenient shopping trip Pre-scan with your smartphone Only for My-Pi Scan users. Even though it's a self-checkout system Including this coupon, To process the discount Please contact the staff in advance before payment. Having to go through it is putting the cart before the horse. ==== Added on February 12, 2020 ==== in the area next to the service counter Copy machine updated A new multi-copy machine has been installed. I think it will be convenient to issue a resident card. ==== Added on June 18, 2020 ==== I stopped by Big this afternoon. Until after 7pm yesterday Saturday Aeon's app was down. I tried to use the app again today. It was in a state where it could not be opened. At store entrances and cash registers There is no notice that the app cannot be used. I thought it was just my smartphone When you ask at the service counter, I was told that the app cannot be used now. Today I have a product that I would like to use an app coupon for. I have a lot of concerns, I was disappointed that I couldn't use the app. other payment methods I'm glad I have it, I only use Aeon apps This is a problem if you don't have cash on hand. I can't open the app in front of the cash register There was someone who was in trouble, Instead of opening an app at the register You need to check whether the app can be used beforehand. ====




    I used to go to a certain discount store in Higashihiroshima, but ever since I noticed that they had almost the same selection of products from the same Aeon chain, I started going to this store nearby. It would have been cheaper if I could find something that met the requirements, such as sports shoes that had to be all white at my child's school, or slippers that quickly outgrew their size. Now that she's older, I only buy cat food.

  • res desu

    res desu



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