Tenkaippin - Awaji in Osaka

JapanTenkaippin - Awaji



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒533-0022 Osaka, Higashiyodogawa Ward, Sugahara, 7-chōme−5−39 ルネッサンス エレガンス 1F
kontakte telefon: +81 6-6370-0451
webseite: www.tenkaippin.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7410735, Longitude: 135.524483

kommentare 5

  • 0051薩摩隼人



    I worked overtime and on my way home I saw Tenka Ippin and visited it🙃 I went to the table with no one waiting...I ordered an extra-large bowl of rich ramen, asked the staff for condiment garlic, brought a pot, and waited for a while...I added the condiment garlic from the rice bowl and enjoyed the soup...I was tired. It's delicious for your body 🧄 A bite of noodles and char siu... The collaboration of condiment garlic is amazing 💯 I ate about half of it and added miso condiment and condiment garlic again for the second half... I drank all the soup and had a great time 🍜🧄🌶️ Thank you➖

  • まんまさ



    This is our first store, but the taste is consistently high. The shrimp cutlet was also delicious. Tenka Ippin has also increased its prices, and the price of ramen is almost over 1,000 yen. Even though I eat it less often, it's still my favorite ramen that makes me want to eat it.

  • O “T” T

    O “T” T


    We visited Tenkaichippin Awaji store, which is about a 10-minute walk from JR Awaji Station. A ramen chain restaurant originating from Kyoto. I was looking forward to going to Tenichi for the first time in a while, but the taste of the ramen varies slightly depending on the store... Stable deliciousness. However, I think the customer service level of the staff was at a good level. Isn't there a need for re-education in customer service, especially for young women? It's a shame because the taste is delicious.

  • Jake Works

    Jake Works


    A store I've been going to for a long time. The order is the same every time, and this time too I ordered ``Fried rice set meal large ramen (rich and regular noodles)''. At first, I ate the ramen as is, and then added ``garlic seasoning'' and ``mustard miso'' halfway through. It has a wide range of flavors and is rich and delicious. At first, I eat the fried rice as is, and then add some ``ramen soup stock'' halfway through. Again, this is delicious. Enjoy it thoroughly and eat it all. I'm very satisfied. There's only one thing that bothers me... The menu has been updated. However, the font is so small that I can't read it. I'll have to bring reading glasses next time... *I have decided to place an order, but I would like to know the price...

  • Nguyen Van Viet

    Nguyen Van Viet



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