ガスト 西中島店 in Osaka

Japanガスト 西中島店



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Sonntag24 stunden geöffnet
Montag24 stunden geöffnet
Dienstag24 stunden geöffnet
Mittwoch24 stunden geöffnet
Donnerstag24 stunden geöffnet
Freitag24 stunden geöffnet
Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
2-chōme-1-2 Kikawahigashi, Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, 532-0012, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 570-001-137
webseite: www.skylark.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.724675, Longitude: 135.494189

kommentare 5

  • Thomas T

    Thomas T


    Fast, tasty food and good prices. Stayed in a hotel near and went multiple times to the family restaurant. Can definitely recommend!

  • Emanuel Rodríguez

    Emanuel Rodríguez


    I ate at Gusto all the days of my stay in Shin-Ōsaka. They offer variety of dishes at any time and highly recommend to take the hamburger or karage options as they were very good. Dishes are served with many toppings and have refil for drinks at the bar. The staff is attentive and will do their vest to assist you. They have english menu and credit card payment. I believe it is 24h open

  • Mathias S

    Mathias S


    I went to this place for breakfast, unfortunately the menu is set for dinner even though they serve several hot drinks. The food was good; The cleaning team needs more attention to the bathrooms, it was dirty and looked like it hadn't received a good cleaning in months.

  • Desmond Hui

    Desmond Hui


    A 24-hours restaurant. It was so nice to have something hot to eat at late night. Food was nice, staff was polite and attentive. Robot delivery to table was an interesting experience.

  • Luis “Luis”

    Luis “Luis”


    This is the fast food of Osaka. Food is fast, tasty (for a fast food joint). This place is almost always open (closed 6am-7am). The menu is big and there’s more menus for lunch and dinner. The staff is friendly and the place is clean. Since arriving we have gone here multiple times since it’s what is open

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