Tea & Space Kikouan en Karatsu

JapónTea & Space Kikouan



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-9-21 Higashikaratsu, Karatsu, Saga 847-0017, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 955-72-8188
sitio web: kikouan.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4507504, Longitude: 129.9820912

comentarios 5

  • David Preece

    David Preece


    Lovely little traditional cafe for Japanese tea and sweet menu. The only reason I rate 4 for food is this wasn't to our particular taste, but we could still appreciate how well it is made and presented.

  • Elif Ç.

    Elif Ç.


    Everyone is really kind and helpful, everything is delicious and decoration of inside is great. There is also an English menu if needed.

  • MayLing Foo

    MayLing Foo


    Came for the red bean with mochi. Didn’t disappoint us . Nice atmosphere and cozy cafe to take a break before we carry on our journey .

  • mac klemore

    mac klemore


    this is a very comfortable place with helpful and friendly staff. the food was really tasty and aesthetically pleasing. they have english menus!

  • Peggy Sim

    Peggy Sim


    Perfect for a relaxing afternoon 💗 they also have English menu so just ask the staff to get it for you :) !!! Loved the design of the store too. Just perfection!

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