Tea Room Dog House w Fukuoka

JaponiaTea Room Dog House



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-16-5 Higashiirube, Sawara Ward, Fukuoka, 811-1102, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 92-834-5227
strona internetowej: t-doghouse.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5198904, Longitude: 130.335478

komentarze 5

  • fever king

    fever king


    Dish name: Demi hamburger Parking: Ali Payment: PayPay This is a hamburger steak with lots of meat juice! It's hearty and has plenty of vegetables. Hamburgers take a long time to cook, so I recommend ordering with plenty of time to spare. This is a hamburger steak with lots of meat juice! It's hearty and has plenty of vegetables. Hamburgers take a long time to cook, so I recommend ordering with plenty of time to spare.

  • どんぶりレンジャー



    I love the hamburgers here. Since it is a private shop, I think it is inevitable that the price will be a little higher and it will take more time. If you like cheap and robot-like customer service, you might want to go there because there is a Jo XX restaurant ahead. Everyone I introduced it to said it was delicious, so I'm sure that's true.

  • やまぴー(やまぴー)



    The hamburger steak was plump and the demi-glace sauce was also very delicious. I was surprised by the large serving of vegetables, but it was delicious. There weren't many seats available, so I'm glad I was able to eat there today✨

  • maasa ron

    maasa ron


    A store I've been curious about for a long time. I've heard that the hamburger steak is delicious, and it's really the best! 🙌 Hamburger with demi-glace sauce for lunch 1,050 yen 😆 The vegetables are almost overflowing and they come with two types of dressing! I took out the same one. Although it is a little more compact, it costs 650 yen. I don't really eat hamburgers, but I would like to come here again!

  • 山田花子



    Demi hamburger 1050 yen With rice, salad, and miso soup 50g additional 250 yen It's not a Western-style soup, it's miso soup. The salad is mainly leafy vegetables, but as an old man who doesn't get enough vegetables, I'm thankful for it♪ The hamburger steak was delicious with lots of juicy meat 😋 Please call in advance or give yourself plenty of time.

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