nana's green tea w Fukuoka

Japonianana's green tea



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒810-0001 Fukuoka, Chuo Ward, Tenjin, 2-chōme−2−43 ソラリアプラザビル 4F
kontakt telefon: +81 92-733-7312
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5887868, Longitude: 130.3988698

komentarze 5

  • krō



    This is definitely a lady's cafe. I got lost inside Solaria Plaza, mistaking it for Solaria Stage, searching for a wc for men and stumbled upon Nana's. I had the limited ichigo mochi drink and matcha nama parfait during my first visit, and both were delicious. Houjicha cake was too dry upon my second visit. If you love your sweets to be on the slightly sweeter side when in Fukuoka, this is a must try. The whiteness of the space looks cold. Oddly, male attendants were warmer than the girls.

  • Benny CHAN

    Benny CHAN


    My all time favorite in Japan. The hot dishes like rice and noodles are above par. The green tea drinks and desserts are just perfect, full of ingredients and strong green tea flavour. Reasonably priced and good service!

  • Kareen Karina

    Kareen Karina


    A very cozy and amazing chain available across a number of Asian cities. Easy to find on L4. Friendly staff offered a menu in English on the phone. Tasty hojicha latte with no extra (!) sweeteners. Available with soy milk. Returned a number of times during my Fukuoka trip. A very lovely ambience overlooking the park downstairs. Strongly recommend!

  • Stephanie Emmons

    Stephanie Emmons


    I liked it but the jelly was gross. Just water jelly. I thought it was flavored. But the rest was good Deff. For two people to share

  • Taffany Tsui

    Taffany Tsui


    I ordered the green tea parfait, the green tea ice cream and pudding taste very good

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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