Tanto and Wakura Wakayama Mio i Wakayama

JapanTanto and Wakura Wakayama Mio



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒640-8342 Wakayama, Tomodachō, 5-chōme−18 和歌山ミオ 5F 北館
kontakter telefon: +81 73-488-8113
internet side: www.tantoto-wakura.com
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Latitude: 34.2329656, Longitude: 135.1905828

kommentar 5

  • はらはら



    I went on a weekday night and it was empty. I ordered the beef tongue set meal. It's cheap and you can adjust the amount of rice. I wish I hadn't reduced the amount of rice because the vegetables were lightly pickled and all went well with the rice. The tongue was also chewy and not too thin or too thick, so I was satisfied.

  • きーこ



    I went here for dinner for the first time since I was staying at a hotel. I had a set meal of striped hockey and skirt steak. Both were meaty and delicious. However, personally, I didn't have much rice 🍚, so it would have been better to get a large portion for 50 yen lol There was a comment that the waiting time was long. It feels like they don't have baked goods waiting for you, but rather they make them after you order them. There are many types of set meals. I was confused about the fried flounder. Next time I would like to order the fried flounder. This is a store where you can get repeat orders.

  • 和歌晴寿



    This restaurant mainly serves beef tongue set meals, but they also have grilled fish set meals. Refills of rice and miso soup are free, and only one refill of tofu is free. It's chewy, but not too hard, and the tongue has just the right hardness. This is my second time here, and it was delicious. The food is reasonably priced, so I think it's a good idea to stop by if you're nearby (*´ω`*)♪

  • Tagawa You

    Tagawa You


    I ordered a croquette set meal and Tororo. It wasn't supposed to be crowded, but the wait time was long. I was expecting it to be extremely delicious because of the long wait time, but it was below average💦It was a shame because it was delicious when I ate it before. I was able to eat the croquettes. I don't like to leave a lot of rice behind, but the yam was so smelly that I couldn't eat it😭I think the restaurant has a nice atmosphere. 2 stars because I received a service drink while waiting.

  • Castle Chan

    Castle Chan


    The beef tongue is above average level, also it has a very high level service, thought the lady can’t provide English service. in short, recommended.

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