Tamura Dental Clinic in Oyama

JapanTamura Dental Clinic



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1-chōme-19-2 Wakakichō, Oyama, Tochigi 323-0028, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 285-24-4180
webseite: tamura-d.net
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.3277615, Longitude: 139.8049624

kommentare 2

  • 林香



    I was in so much pain that I couldn't bear it, so I called my family dentist while they were temporarily closed. I felt really bad because it seemed like it was during a break, but they treated me so kindly that I was almost in tears, considering how painful it was. I think the treatment is accurate and quick. When I told him that I was in severe pain, he did not force me to touch the area and treated the area while looking at the situation. A female doctor was the first to respond to my request, and she listened carefully to what I had to say, making me feel at ease during the treatment. Even though it was my first visit and I had an emergency patient, the doctor and the receptionist did not make any unpleasant faces and treated me very kindly, which I was really grateful for. I think he is a very good dentist.

  • Zafirrizzo Zafa

    Zafirrizzo Zafa


    I really liked the service even though I didn't make an appointment the waiting time is not long the doctor is very patient and tries to explain as much as possible so you understand it was a good experience

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