Okamoto Dental Clinic in Tochigi

JapanOkamoto Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2136 Iwafunemachi Shizuwa, Tochigi, 329-4304, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 282-55-7062
webseite: www.okamotoshika.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.3179295, Longitude: 139.6822241

kommentare 5

  • 義満江部



  • Toshi Yoshi

    Toshi Yoshi


    Three generations go here: myself, my children, and my grandchildren. The doctor provides kind and thorough explanations and treatment, and the dental hygienist also provides thorough cleanings and other services. They seem to put a lot of effort into preventive dentistry, and although I have had two or three dental treatments for my children, my second-grade grandson has not had any cavities. Thank you 🥲.

  • nobuyuki horie

    nobuyuki horie


    I've been receiving dental cleanings for over 10 years, and now I go every three months. At one point, I was so busy with work that I skipped cleanings, and my periodontal disease progressed, so I've been going to the dentist regularly ever since. It's bad if you don't clean it regularly. . Occasionally I experience symptoms similar to cavities, I think it's good that they look at the situation and respond in a way that doesn't hurt as much as possible.

  • 尾林静枝



  • SAKU 39

    SAKU 39


    They claim to be a pediatric dentist, but their treatment of children is the worst. I will never go there again.

nächste Zahnarzt

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