Tamazawa Souhonten in Sendai

JapanTamazawa Souhonten



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4-chōme-9-1 Ichibanchō, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0811, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 22-262-8467
webseite: www.tamazawa.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.2648513, Longitude: 140.8705622

kommentare 5

  • 成天樂



    Located on Sendai Ichiban Street, opposite Sendai Mitsukoshi, it specializes in sweets such as edamame mochi and brown sugar steamed buns, and the overall decoration is elegant. It's suitable for you to take a break when you are tired from shopping, enjoy afternoon tea and experience local specialty desserts.

  • takeshi



    I decided to try something typical of Sendai, so I weighed beef tongue and Zunda mochi, and Zunda mochi won by a narrow margin, so I visited Tamazawa Sohonten. I was feeling high from sightseeing, so I ordered the ``Zunda Mochi and Mini Anmitsu Set'' without worrying about the price. It was my first time to eat zunda mochi, and the flavor of the beans was stronger than I expected, so it's no wonder some people don't like zunda mochi. I love legumes so this was delicious.

  • M. Chou

    M. Chou


    The desserts are very delicious, beautiful and delicious! Comfortable environment, attentive service, reasonable prices, great afternoon tea and a place to rest while shopping!

  • sマドレーヌ



    Zunda anmitsu. I like agar and am a bit picky about it, but it was very delicious! The bean paste was also very delicious and satisfying. It's also great that you can pay cashless! I also bought brown sugar manju as a souvenir. This is also delicious, but I wonder if there are other places that are just as good. Thank you for the meal.

  • のほほん茶



    During the Tanabata Festival, I stopped by to buy souvenirs and heard that there was a cafe on the second floor, so I stopped by. Probably because it was a festival, there were usually 1 or 2 groups in line. I ordered 5 pieces of Zunda Mochi with Dadacha beans and a mini cold matcha as a seasonal meal. The rice bowl, side dishes, and anmitsu were delicious. The cold matcha has a refreshing bitterness and a slightly sweet taste, making it easy to drink and delicious. I also ordered warm matcha instead. The zunda mochi was a little sweet and tasted just right when eaten with matcha. Those who like sweetness may be able to leave it as is. They also had huge shaved ice, so it might be a good idea to stop by when you have a break.

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