MIRAIZAKA Sendaieki-Nishiguchi-PlayBuilding in Sendai

JapanMIRAIZAKA Sendaieki-Nishiguchi-PlayBuilding



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒980-0021 Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Chūō, 4-chōme−1−3 仙台プレイビル 1F
kontakte telefon: +81 50-2019-7215
webseite: miraizaka.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.2585501, Longitude: 140.880299

kommentare 5

  • Mohaimenul Peyal

    Mohaimenul Peyal


    Tried karaage, fried potato and some drinks with my senpais. Great place to have fun.

  • Chabo



    ◉Visited in November 2023 At the first bar, we drank as much as 11 bottles of sake and got pretty drunk, and no one wanted to leave, so we headed to the second bar. This time we went to Miraizaka, which is conveniently located near the station. The selling point here is all-you-can-drink tabletop lemon sour. You can make it yourself without having to call the store staff every time. Also, the grilled and fried chicken gloves are packed with garlic and are perfect for young people. Thank you for the meal! ◉Visited in September 2023 On this day, I went to another restaurant with a company member for a second drink. Even though the young members eat a lot, their stomachs are bottomless. So, we ate junk food such as the famous glove-grilled chicken and potatoes. The punchy taste of garlic is addictive. ◉Visited in July 2023 Parfaits have been around for a few years now, and for some reason, they are high-calorie foods that make you want to eat more after drinking them. It's simply that when you get drunk, you lose your self-control and end up eating things you normally try not to eat because you're worried about calories. . lol As expected, we ended the day with yakisoba and sweets, making sure to save up on the carbohydrates and fats we usually keep in check! Thank you for the meal! ◉Visited in March 2023 On this day, I had already gone to two bars with my company members and headed to the third bar with some members who still had enough to drink. We ordered some of the restaurant's recommended menu items, such as one glove-fried bone-in chicken thigh, grilled mackerel, and grilled Japanese squid sashimi, along with sake, and chatted for a while. Lastly, I enjoyed the crumble cheesecake as a final sweet. It's a convenient izakaya as it's close to Sendai Station. Thank you for the meal!

  • Luk Aw

    Luk Aw


    Good Izakaya, lot of food. But maybe the food service is a bit slow, especially for rice

  • K.D.



    This was our first dinner ln our trip to Japan. The digital menu and ordering was easy, and the food was delicious! Very well prepared. We got to try Basashi too! ❤️ We really enjoyed the desserts as well. We also visited another location in Tokyo later in our trip because it was convenient and good quality.

  • Khalid Saqr

    Khalid Saqr


    Very good cosy place, good menu, Karaage is delicious.

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