Tamashima Central Clinics i Kurashiki

JapanTamashima Central Clinics


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2-chōme-1-1 Tamashima Agasaki, Kurashiki, Okayama 713-8121, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 86-526-8111
internet side: www.tamashima-ch.or.jp
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Latitude: 34.5476105, Longitude: 133.672553

kommentar 5

  • sachi4675



    I'm going to a cosmetic surgeon. The handsome female doctor is easy-going in a good way, which makes me feel good. The examination is quick and the treatment is completed quickly. There are various courses in cosmetic medicine, so it's good to be able to visit the clinic depending on your concerns. Reservations are required.

  • yuri niwway

    yuri niwway


    The nurses, rehabilitation teachers, social workers, and other people who took care of my family while they were in the hospital were all kind and nice. However, when the patient (my mother) was brought to the hospital in an emergency, the patient (my mother) was left lying on a stretcher for nearly four hours, unable to move due to the pain in her body.What was this? ! I was stunned. I think it can't be helped that it takes so long, so I'd like at least some explanation or voice during the process.

  • あたたエトラ



    I went to a cosmetic surgeon to have my mole removed, and the doctor was really good! Not only was she a very cheerful doctor who was easy to talk to, but she also communicated well with the nurses around her, and the atmosphere in the room was relaxed from start to finish, making me feel very comfortable! If you want to have a mole removed, please visit this hospital 👍

  • パイン



    When I had a gastrocamera done before, there was a camera technician who was talking fluently the whole time. The nurses were very kind and rubbed my back. The engineer complained that the camera was difficult to move. When he saw the name on the camera, he playfully said, "Z? Fairlady Z?" And don't tell me the test results. When I asked him about it, he said, ``I don't know.'' Hospitals that entrust work to such technicians are no good. There are many other good hospitals. You shouldn't go to Tamashima Central Hospital.

  • HIdeo Haga

    HIdeo Haga


    The information sheet handed out at the re-examination reception machine or at the counter only has the name of the doctor in charge, but I don't know which examination room it is. When it comes to the examination room, you should carefully read the information displayed on the display on the right above the general information, ask the staff, or check all the nameplates of the examination room. It gives the impression that it is rather narrow. It's a relatively new building, isn't it? It's a Showa-style layout. Examination rooms are lined up on both sides of a wide hallway, and the aisle is filled with waiting lounge chairs. When a call is made for accounting, a clerk will read out the name orally. It's not that big, but it's near the entrance and there's a lot of noise, so it's sometimes hard to hear calls. As soon as a seat becomes available, move to the front.

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