Hama Dermatology Clinic w Utsunomiya

JaponiaHama Dermatology Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-29-28 Hyōgotsuka, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0138, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 28-655-2001
strona internetowej: hama-skin-clinic.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.4952982, Longitude: 139.855494

komentarze 5

  • 鈴木美穂



    There are many mistakes in prescriptions. I thought it was happening again, so I noticed it at the pharmacy and asked the pharmacist to fix it, but I was told it wouldn't work until I came to the pharmacy. Even when my toenails turned black, tests showed that the cause was not ringworm (the bacteria that causes athlete's foot), so if the cause could not be determined, no treatment was taken. I asked if he could give me some topical medication, but he was adamant that athlete's foot can only be cured with oral medication. So why are there so many topical medications for athlete's foot? What's more, there was an accident a few years ago in which a sleeping pill was mixed into an oral medication for athlete's foot, and a person died as a result of this, but they didn't seem to be aware of that fact. Even though you're a doctor, you don't know information that the average person knows? worst.

  • 에이토엄마エイトおんま



    A male teacher asked me why I didn't wear a mask in this day and age when I brought my 1-year-old baby with me. i can't believe. There was no point in using just Vaseline for the medicine I was prescribed.

  • o ggg

    o ggg


    The receptionist seems to be confident in his/her own response, but I think it would be a good idea to reconsider the consideration given to patients. You don't have to speak loudly enough for the entire waiting room to hear, but you can hear it because it's right in front of you. I am not hard of hearing. It was very unpleasant for me to hear things that I didn't want other patients to hear in a loud voice.

  • an



    I made an appointment for counseling for multiple beauty treatments such as age spots. When I went there, I was told that I could only have one counseling session at a time, and if I wanted more than one, I would have to make another appointment on a different day. First of all, this is not mentioned at the time of reservation, and a counseling fee of 1000 yen is charged each time. Also, the person who actually gave me the counseling (a newbie?) was very friendly, but the person next to me, the instructor? senior? Women like you just sit there and don't say a word. I could feel that the newcomer was scared. In the end, a photo was taken, but I was only told what was written on the homepage, and the doctor didn't even look at my skin properly, so it was over. what's this. I will never have my treatment done at a place like this, and I will never come here again as a dermatologist. I feel really bad about having wasted money.

  • s s

    s s


    Anyway kind. By filling out the necessary information on the online medical questionnaire, you can quickly and thoroughly examine the affected area. Although the director has the image of a researcher and is a veteran, he is not very polite and the cost of treatment and medicine is lower than other clinics. If you make an online reservation, there is almost no waiting time. The pharmacy also explained things quickly and thoroughly. The staff and nurses were both efficient and gave me a warm, homely impression.

najbliższy Szpital

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