Tamana Tsukiyama Post Office in Tamana

JapanTamana Tsukiyama Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2148-1 Yamada, Tamana, Kumamoto 865-0066, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 968-73-9212
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.9361761, Longitude: 130.540125

kommentare 5

  • T. M.

    T. M.


    I stopped by to use the ATM on my day off, and the parking lot for 4 cars was almost full, so there seemed to be a fair number of people using it. The official website says there is a parking lot for 7 cars, and I was wondering where it was, but I recently learned that it is located across a narrow road (a little higher up). Efforts have been made to display the 〒 mark, but many people may not know about it...

  • S Y

    S Y


    I went to the counter to send a letter, but since it was after 4pm, no one answered as they seemed busy with administrative work. I sent the letter at another reliable post office.

  • コウモクエイジ



    From August 31, 2020, you can now use the service until 6pm on Saturdays and Sundays. ATMs may not be available during Golden Week, year-end/New Year holidays, etc. The downside is that there is only one ATM and there are only four parking spaces in front of the store.

  • 田口智仁



    Saturday ATM9:00~18:00 Sundays and holidays ATM9:00~18:00

  • VA LET

    VA LET


    Illegal parking on the roadside is a nuisance! !

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