Japan Post in Koshi

JapanJapan Post



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2012-62 Toyooka, Koshi, Kumamoto 861-1115, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 96-248-0233
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.8681644, Longitude: 130.7649081

kommentare 5

  • 高濱靖雄



    I brought the item I won on Yahoo Auction for shipping. When I ask for regular mail, I am always told that it would be better to send it by Yu-Pack. It's unpleasant and the customer service method is not good!

  • 珈琲おじさん



    The counter is a bit spacious.

  • さくらさくら



    A few years ago, for some reason, I went to cancel my husband's insurance. Since I was acting as a representative, I went with the documents that had been handwritten by my husband, but they said the address was different, so they wouldn't accept them. If the address on your resident card and driver's license are different... The condominium name is long, so it is abbreviated on the driver's license. The driver's license center will do this for you, and the street address and other information will be written down, so the mail will still arrive. However, I was told that it would not be accepted if there was just a difference in one letter. My husband can't go to the post office on weekdays, so I went straight to the North Post Office. They accepted my request easily, and when I explained the situation, I was told that there would be no problem since I had all the documents handwritten by the husband, as well as a copy of my resident card and driver's license. It took less than 10 minutes and I was accepted. I wonder what it was all about. I wonder if this happened because there are strict measures against fraud. I haven't been there since.

  • ゆか



    No matter when I go to the ATM, it's dirty. Sticky. It's full of dust. Even in this time of Corona, why don't you wipe it?

  • 形而上流星



    There are two ATMs, but they are small. It's the only one in the area, so it's crowded.

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