Tama Kyuryo Hospital in Machida

JapanTama Kyuryo Hospital



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1401 Shimooyamadamachi, Machida, Tokyo 194-0202, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 42-797-1511
webseite: www.tamakyuryo.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6045304, Longitude: 139.4212828

kommentare 5

  • Stinglay



    I received a medical checkup from the old hospital. With the new hospital, the gastrocamera is finally compatible with endoscopy through the nose. However, it seems like the quality of the dock has deteriorated even though it has become cleaner? There is no dedicated waiting room that had a TV before, so you wait in the hallway. What's more, lunch used to be Shokado bento? Morning? It has become something like that. I wonder if the new hospital will cut costs. It's a pity that the dock fees have gone up.

  • Mi-Nura Alnour Oriental

    Mi-Nura Alnour Oriental


    I had difficulty walking for about a week, and since it was the year-end and New Year holidays, I managed to put up with it and made an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon (which was still another week away). As I was still in pain, I managed to get my family to sleep in the back seat of the car, endured the pain, and finally got into the car and headed to the hospital. The streets were pretty crowded on Saturday morning, so things didn't go as planned, and I was going to be a little late to get to the hospital, about 5 minutes before the reception for my first appointment, so could you wait for me? and called. My response at that time was, ``I can't do it today because my time is set.'' When I told her that she was already at the rehabilitation facility next door, she said, ``That's impossible...'' It would be nice if all the patients were healthy, but I feel like they're going through really bad times and abandoning even the people who worked so hard to become successful. I've made an appointment, but if I can't make it when I'm feeling sick, I'm hesitant to see a doctor.

  • Ogawa Kazuhito

    Ogawa Kazuhito


    We had lunch after the day-trip health checkup. It's hospital food, so of course it's healthy food, so it's even more delicious😋. The hospitality of the staff was also five-star.

  • yohsan



    I come for a health check every year. The new building will be built in 2023 and will be moved about 200 or 300 meters from the previous building. The nurses seem to have a clean workplace and are happy. I'm good at drawing blood and my veins don't come out, so I rate it highly. The service is also polite and kind. Transportation is very difficult and there are few buses. A private car is recommended. Free parking There is a bicycle/motorcycle storage area. The building is new, so it seems comfortable to be hospitalized. There was a Yamazaki convenience store. Please note that there are no restaurants or shops nearby.

  • Jun-chi Sue

    Jun-chi Sue


    I was hospitalized for 4 months in 2016 🏥 I still go to the hospital 🎵 I would like to thank the doctors, nurses, and staff for their kind and warm treatment 🙇 It's far from my home so I had to drive by car. It takes 20 to 25 minutes, but I go to Tama Hills Hospital for peace of mind! Thank you for your continued support. 🍩The sweet breads and side dish breads at the shop inside the hospital are delicious! 😋If you miss lunch time, it will be sold out. I'm happy to be able to buy Green Bell bread~😃💕I'm so happy~🎵 ☆ The new hospital building currently under construction will open in May 2023. The number of medical departments will also increase. The current hospital building will become a rehabilitation hospital and affiliated facilities.

nächste Krankenhaus

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