Takasato Dental Clinic en Shimonoseki

JapónTakasato Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-1-11 Ōji Kamimachi, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 752-0916, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 83-248-1987
sitio web: www.takasato-dental.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.045328, Longitude: 131.014026

comentarios 5

  • 坂野健太郎



    At each visit, we will thoroughly examine the condition of your teeth and gums, and give you detailed instructions on how to brush your teeth. This leads to early detection of cavities. It may not be suitable for people who want short-term treatment, but it is recommended for people who want to take good care of their teeth.

  • mattoまっと



    I go there for treatment of periodontal disease. I think it's great that they regularly check to make sure there's no pain when removing tartar.

  • r



    They will examine you kindly and carefully. He thought about the patient and explained things in an easy-to-understand manner when the treatment seemed to be progressing. Thanks to your help, my teeth are in good condition. The staff's response is also good. it's recommended.

  • M



    I have been working with you for almost 5 years now. He is kind and thorough, and explains the treatment policy in detail, so you can receive the treatment with confidence. I'm very frightened and just the sound of the machine making me scared, but the doctor was kind and never hurt me. I'm really grateful for that alone. All the teachers and staff are very nice. We are a dental clinic where you can trust your treatment with peace of mind.

  • lll lll lll lll lll lll

    lll lll lll lll lll lll


    I moved to Yamaguchi Prefecture and visited this clinic because it was close to my home and had high reviews. I had a hard time finding a good dentist in the prefecture where I lived before, so I thought I was starting over again. But I got it on the first shot 😭✨ We will take care of you in Yamaguchi Prefecture! ! ! ! Good atmosphere, treatment policy? I was able to receive a very thorough examination.

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